Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 in one post

We made Borscht.  It is a traditional Ukrainian beet soup that my sister taught me to make.

That made me happy until it spilled.

Rich and I went to Puerto Rico for a little get-away.
Fact: we both cried when we dropped Charlotte off with Rich's parents
Fact: Charlotte did not cry....Until we came home and she was left with us.  She had a great time with Nana, Doodles and Mammie.

Loved getting to tour the area.
Rich and I both got burned on our first day there.  I bought this ridiculous hat because it didn't seem to matter how much sunscreen I used I was getting burned.  

We went on a tour and Rich had this funny conversation with the guide:
Guide:So how long have you been here
Rich: We got here yesterday
Guide: You burned yourself this much in one day
Rich: Well I put sunscreen on but when I reapplied it, my skin started burning.  I think I might have had a reaction to the sunscreen.
Guide: You had a reaction to the sun, my friend!!

We are having baby boy in July!
This is charlotte's excited face about seeing a bird.

2 years ago on Memorial Day we got together with 2 of my old roommates.  We were all pregnant.  We decided to float the James River.  It began as a lovely float and was the dream for 3 pregnant ladies to stay cool in the water.  We didn't realize where we were supposed to get out of the water and wound up going through Class IV rapids in $3 inner tubes. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life.  I didn't know if my friends were going to be okay.  We were all anxious to make sure our baby girls survived the experience too!  Thankfully, they all did.  Aren't they cute?! This time we got together and played it a little more safe by going to a kite flying festival instead.  We got this picture of us with our girls standing in the same order as we did in our prego pics.

We also got picture of our belly's again since we are all pregnant again.