Monday, March 4, 2013

Cloud 9

Being a parent can so very surreal at different times. Often I feel like I am just pretending.  Sometimes I am still in shock that I am actually a mom.  Then there are times that have made me feel like I am REALLY a mom.  The other night Charlotte threw up in her bed.  Giving a pukey baby a bath before dawn made me feel like a real mom.  A few weeks ago we went to visit my family in Utah and go on a ski trip and I had a princess fairytale moment of parenthood.  We decided, on a whim, to take Charlotte on one run on skis.  

It all started with taking Charlotte out to play in the snow and she kept walking toward the ski lift.  She wanted to go for a ride and was very intrigued. They wouldn't let us ride to the top and back down.  My brother-in-law tried to take their son up in a pack and they didn't allow that either.  Then we tried to let Char sit on the lift after it was turned off and they wouldn't even let us do that.  I got a little idea just to check the price of a ski rental. They would let her ride the lift up if she had skis on and then all we would have to do is get her down the mountain.  It wasn't all that expensive and the lift was free for kids.  We took her to the shop and tried the boots on her and they fit!!  The next morning I woke up giddy with excitement.  I picked up the teeny tiny skis and I am pretty sure I floated across the parking lot back to the room to introduce Charlotte to the skis.  I was taking my little girl skiiing!!!  Today!!!  This is a like a dream come true. 

I had no illusion that she would actually "ski" on her own, but just the idea of putting those little skis on her feet and taking her out and introducing her to the sport that I love...I just grinned ear to ear the whole time!!  

The fact is she couldn't even stand up on her own, but she was smiling when we got off the lift and that was totally worth it to me.  

 Also, Thanks to Lauren for being our official photographer and videographer during this awesome day.

This is a little video of her getting off the lift.  

This is an awesome picture of my family all in our feet pajamas!! 

My mom bought these feet pajamas for Rich and Jordan...Those are good in-laws for getting in on the Schmidt Craziness.