Friday, October 9, 2009

welcome back damai...

wahh..lame giler x update blog ni..
maklumla...kene block, pastu mls pon ade...
seb baik arini tibe2 ade mud nk update blog..

just nk wish selamat hr raye buat sume...
posekan sebulan, so raya pon sebulan..

aku cuti raye smpi senin 28hb...
mmg raya sakanla..

rayer pertama - of cos dgn keluargaku tersyg, bermaafan, bergmbo sakan n raye umah sedara
area kg belah mak...pastu balik kg belah abah kt pt yusof, muo... tido semalam
kt umah pokteh tuh..

rayer kedua - beraya ke umah sedara belah abah kt area kg abah tuh n balik umah kt batu
pahat balik.. n smbung raye lagik...

rayer ketiga - beraye ke umah atuk sedara n bos abah..hehe..

raye keempat - konvoi raye dlm 5 kete bersama keluarga belah mak ke rengit n pontian..
mmg wajib g raye keempat..hehe..

raye kelima - g raye ke muar n melaka, umah makngah.. then tido melaka mlm tuh..

raye keenam - aku ikut kaklong balik umah die n mlm tuh gerak g pahang plak...

raye ketujuh - menghadiri majlis kawen best frenku, siti maisarah idris di termerloh, pahang..
siap jd pengapit lg..haha..

raye kelapan - g majlis kawen sorg lg kawan tyme kt mrsm muar, siti hashimah bt abd rahman..
kt putrajaya... n then balik batu pahat mlm tuh..

raye kesembilan - balik semula ke jb utk bertugas pd negara....huhu...

tula..9 hr cuti raye diisi begitu padat sekali.. hehe..
apepon, aku enjoy..

slmt hari raye kwn2.. :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


ni email yg sy dpt..just share some info n mungkin leh tlg sape2 yg perlu kan..



My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning...was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni at Kangar, Perlis...worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden didnt even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came fm KL and with his friends assistance brought him to GH Kangar....

No one bothered in the hospital and he was put in the normal ward for another 2 days!!! (imagine the amount of people he has infected!!) .....after 2 days and his eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish...he was put in quarantined room...

Called his mom to say...minta maaf and ampun la dosa dia, etc...she practically fainted just telling me the story.. cant do much cos she x have enough money to go to the north with the father...

First thing we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to Sg.Buloh Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt...they refused of I sent her off to Kangar the same day to solve the problem.

Whilst this was happening, SUBHANALLAH, I had a call from one Ustaz who was in town to "help cure" another H1N1 child in Shah Alam....and was told this simple prescription by him.....of course kena redha pada ALLAH and niat dengan sesungguh nya...selawat 3x... EAT MINIMUM 6 GREEN APPLES A DAY AND FRESH ORANGE JUICE for those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your fever disappear and yr symtoms are gone....

I cannot explain it but the child in Shah Alam was ok too after taking this tip.... ALHAMDULILLAH. staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on Monday/Tuesday and dengan kuasa ALLAH he was out of the fever yesterday Wednesday...

she called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out of ICU and was able to eat normally...all these happened within just 4 days today (thursday 6 august)... This is just to share with my fellow sisters and brothers and hope this small info could assist others as well, INSYA'ALLAH! !!!!!!!!! No harm in trying and kuasa ALLAH anything can happen!!!!

Penangan H1N1..jage2..

skrg ni penyakit H1N1 makin teruk di Malaysia kan..
aku yg kije kt hospital ni takut gak tp seb baik aku duk dlm opis yg cume ade dlm 3 org je..
tp nk kuar pon tggu bukan waktu melawat..maklumla, tyme melawat ramai org..
tp aku x pki mask..mask ade, tp x pakai sbb rimas kot..huhu..

kt hospital pon kwalan semakin ketat..klu bole tak digalakkan melawat kecualila saudara mara terdekat...kanak2 pon x leh masuk melawat, maklumla virus ni mudah menyerang kanak2..
n then waktu melawat pon dipendekkan..
bagusla camtuh tp ade gak yg xnk dgr arahan...apela salahnye ikut, tuk kebaikan bersama gak..

spt yg sedia maklum, tanda2 H1N1 adela spt berikut:

1) demam
2) batuk2
3) sakit tekak
4) selsema

so, jage kesihatan diri. cuci tangan dgn sabun, guna sapu tangan or tisu bile bersin or batuk n buang dlm tong sampah..

antara mereka yg bersiko kene H1N1 adelah:

1) ibu mengandung n br lepas bersalin.
2) kanak2
3) warga tua
4) yg mempunyai obesiti
5) yg mempunyai darah tinggi
6) badan imuniti rendah..

so, berjaga-jagala..
klu ade tanda2 di atas, cepat2 g klinik or hospital..

renung2kan dan selamat beramal..
sekian pesanan penaja..:)

kerana hati ini tlh dicurik..hehe..


arini nk citer pasal ape eh?
xde pape yg menarik kot cume aku kini rase cam lebeh bahagia..haha.
poyos giler ayat..

mmg selalu yg pahit akan ade manisnye, yg sedey ade gembiranya n camtu gakla aku..
setiap dugaan yg dtg tu pasti ade hikmahnye n aku berhrp hidup aku akan terus ceria n bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. amin..

Friday, August 7, 2009

Selamat pengantin baru my fren..

Waaa...lamenye x update blog..hehe..
xtaaau nk tulis pe, lgpon blog kene block..huhu..
seb baik arini boleh..

last week aku g wedding mmber kawen.
kwn baik aku mase form 4 n 5 kawen kt yong peng...
Dr Rahimah n Dr Azrul..

Ade 7 org je classmate aku yg dtg...
Antaranya, pudin, fly, yana, tasha, filah, lin and zira.
Wah, masing2 sudah berubah.. maklumla dh lame x jumpe..
tp yg lg best dpt jumpe 3 cikgu..
Bonda Hasni @ cikgu sejarah, Cikgu Nik @ cikgu kimia n Cikgu Mashitah @ cikgu fizik..

Tak sangke dpt jumpe cikgu2 sbb dh lame sgt tgglkn sekolah..huhu..
tp best sbb cikgu cam kitorg yg nakal2 ni.. ehehehe..

Pepon buat Im n Azrul, selamat pengantin baru...
moga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..

Sedikit gmbar kenang2 kenangan..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

majlis perkahwinan eylia n hanif..

Lazimnye cuti sekolah adela waktu yg paling sesuai tuk mengadakan majlis perkahwinan..
aku pon dpt 4 jemputan sepanjg cuti sekolah yg lalu..

6 jun 2009 , majlis dua pupu aku sbb mak die n mak aku sepupu... hehe..
namenye nurul, pegila dgn makcik n pakcik aku. tp balik cepat..x sempat tgk pengantin bersanding... sbb ade hal..huhu...
n juga majlis kak dayah kat penang..
sangat jauh..mmg x dpt pegila...

pastu 7 jun 2009, majlis haryzad..opismate aku..kt kl..
tp x dpt g atas sbb2 tertentu...

14 jun 2009 majlis kawen kawan sekelas tyme diploma aku...
eylia shazwani namenye...
alhmdulillah, sampai gak aku ke temerloh, pahang..

aku g dgn noyu n hanis..lebey kurg jam 10 gerak dr kl n smpi temerloh dlm kul 12 camtuh..
awal lagik ni...hehe..kitorg pon g la the store sementara tunggu sarah...
n then sempat jumpe kinah n dak2 kelas die yg lain..
konvoi 5 kete..meriah giler... hehe..

around 12.30 g la umah pengantin...

panas aritu n kami pon berjalan ke rumah pengantin..
rupenye ade 2 pasang pengantin... hehe..
mula2 takut salah umah.. seb baik betul.. hihi..

tme kitorg smpi, abg eylia (rasenye) sdg bersanding..
then, kami g makan la dulu...

x lame pastu pengantin laki pon sampai...
sempatla aku amik gmbo ms diorg bersanding.. n eylia bg chance aku tepung twr..
hehe..hentam jekla...

ni bebrape gmbo yg sempat di amik..
memndgkan aku akan balik jb jam 4 ptg, so kenela cepat..
pasni turn sapela plak? hehe..

bagi pinang dibelah dua..

damai amik berkat...baju tersama kaler plak..hehe..

selamat pengantin baru..

damai, noyu, pengantin, sara n hanis..

makan berdamai..:)

Doa damai tuk semua pengantin baru..

Moga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..
jadik isteri n suami yg solehah n soleh..dpt anak yg comel2 n soleh serta solehah gak...

yg pntg, majlis kami jgn lupe dtg..hehe..


hujung minggu yg padat..

actually aku just nk stori ape yg aku buat ujung minggu lepas..
bejalan je keje aku...
bukan jln ade tujuan..
benarnye aku serba salah gak nk ikut mmber aku tp bile pk2 kan kwan nyer pasal, aku joinla...

jumaat mlm sabtu aku gerak g muar a.k.a muo...
g dgn shiken n alin... muo tu umah shiken.. acually die ajak balik kg die sbb dh lame x lik lgpon die ajak makan mee bandung muar yg mmg femes kt muar..
dr jb kol 10 lebey, n sampai muo dkt kul sempat p makan dulu...
aku mkn mihun tomyam, sbb tu feveret aku.. mane2 aku carik mihun tomyam..
pastu, balik umah shiken n tidoooooooooo..

aktiviti sabtu..

kuar dlm kul 11 camtuh dgn hajat nk g mencari hadiah kawen n makan mee bandung..
aku akan ke kl aritu, bas kul 2.30 ptg..
sempatla g wetex parade, cari ape yg patut n then g mkn mee bandung.. aku lupe nk amik gmbo..
haha.. tp rupenye lebey kurang cam ginila...

saje buat korg terliur...

tyme mkn ni jamdh dekatkul 1.30... bas aku kol aku relax2 je..shiken plak yg risau aku lmbt.. hehe..pas mkn terus g bas stand muar tggu bas..
apela shiken ni risau sgt...huhu..rupe2nyer die ingat bas kul 2...haha..

n then, aku pon naikla bas transnasional ke kuala lumpur jam 2.30 ptg...huhu..

nape aku g kl ek?
aku nk g temerloh, mmber sekelas tyme diploma kawen, tp g kl sbb nk g umah mmber yg aku akan saing die mase g temerloh nnt...
hehe..paham ker? berbelit2 ayatku ni..

smpi kl dh pukul 5 lebey...
then, zeha kate nk jumpe,, so aku tggu die kt pudu..
pastu kitorg g jln TAR tunggu noyu plak.. aku akn tido di rumah noyu...
zeha n noyu, my bes fren yg dh lm x berborak n hang out sesame..
kami penah sekelas, serumah, sebantal..hehe..
sedey tatkala nk pisah dgn zeha.... huhu.. bile nk jumpe ko lagi dear? huhu..

then, aku pon balik umah noyu tuk bereat..esok akan g temerloh bersama noyu wif hanis sekali...
then, tidola...penat tau arini...zzzZzzZzz

>>> aktiviti ari ahad di entry seterusnye..