Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013: The Year of Balance

As was probably evident in yesterday's visual year in review, 2012 has been a fun but busier-than-before year. Thus, to say that I bit off way more than I could chew with my goals this year is an understatement. That said, I still have a lot to show for oh-twelve.

In the midst of the crazy that was my work life this year, which included planning and executing three community-wide events, writing three English units and editing two language arts textbooks, designing and editing six newspapers and twelve newsletters, and launching and maintaining several social media campaigns, I still (though it beats me how) managed to accomplish just shy of half of my 12 of 2012 goals:

My happiest victory is that I actually read 12 books - WOOT! I'm hoping to do the same (or better) in 2013.

Equally exciting for me is that I continued practicing Hebrew so that I can read it - albeit SLOWLY - and more importantly understand some when it is spoken. I'm already signed up for another Hebrew class in January, so I'm hoping that my communication skills in this language will continue to improve in the new year.

In addition, I finally made a decision and temporarily closed my Etsy store, enjoyed more date nights with Hubby, and wrote. A LOT. YAY!

Moving onto my one little word, I experienced renewal of spirit, relationships, budget, and home. Renewal of body is an ongoing challenge, as is renewal of balance. Which brings me to my one little word of 2013...

This year, I will have ONE goal: to practice (not achieve) balance. I have a feeling that by practicing balance, other goals will incidentally be achieved as a result. More importantly, though, is the knowledge that a focus on balance will make for a happy Cheryl.

What is your focus for 2013? Whatever you choose, I hope it makes you blissfully happy!

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.


Cheri said...

Balance is a great word choice Cheryl - and one I'm seeing a lot of in people's posts. I'll be curious to see how easy or elusive it is for you. My word for 2013 is DARE. I'm excited by the possibilities!

Anonymous said...

I agree that balance is imperative. I've noticed a lack of balance in my life for quite some time, too. My current goal, though, is peace. I need to quieten some voices and fears and feel more peaceful. Good luck in your pursuit, sweet friend! :) Miss you!