Oh my goodness, I might be moving house in 3 weeks time!
Andrew and I went to view a flat yesterday, after having a big discussion at the weekend about how now is not a good time to move, he decided to have a look at this one anyway *rolls eyes*. Anyway, it has a
real open fire in both the lounge AND the bedroom! It's HUGE as well, 2 double bedrooms, a boxroom large enough for me to make into a study, a big kitchen with pantry and a bathroom! One of the bedrooms looks out over the Meadows, which for those of you not acquainted with Edinburgh is a large grassy space just south of the city centre. You can see Arthurs Seat at the other end of the Meadows, which at the moment is covered in snow and looks really gorgeous, the flat is just perfect.
I had a long chat with my folks about it last night and they're not happy about me moving now but they're supportive of me if that's what I want to do. That's one hurdle out of the way, just got to find someone to take my room (I've already got interest!) and tell my flatmates (really not looking forward to that one).
This flat is amazing though, totally worth the short term hassle and heartache!
P.S. I'm really sorry about the lack of craft and thrift posts, uni is taking over my life at the moment. I do have a pair of knitted gloves to post though so watch this space!