Majlis BerbUKa DI KGPA..
Kelab Golf PerKhidmatan AwaM, daMansara
Umi AisYAh & cIk ImaN
botH Of us Again
from leftY : CiK ImaN ..Umi AisYah..EmiliA
Three of us again!
cara - cara
**aku tmbh sket madu..bagi de manis pedas...(memandai je tkr resipi kan??suke at laa..perut aku..=))
kesimpulan nye..not bad laa first attempt utk resipi baru..terkial2 aku nk gak cube time im damn sure..dis goin be delisouzzzzzz..")..wahahahahaha..sori mr ezoe..xnak post..cuz kurang sedap..nnt sedap org post..")
tp salute kpd mr ezoe..coOOol je buka katne pun..
mr ariZuL hILmi aka mr ezoe
nurUL imaN aka cik ImaN
sesi bergmbar sementara menantI muVee..
ish..ish aurat tu mr ezoe..")
06.09.2009..midnite muvee..1155 pm~200am
gsc signature..The gardeNs..
niat at nk layan the final destinatIon,tp tket fully bOoked..
xtau aku suke the curve nye scenery..shanteQ~