I can't even believe what went down tonight. Yet another episode of the "you can't make this shit up" that is my life.
We have no heat. As of this morning (I think). Jordyn and I were lying in my bed after waking up this morning, and I heard a series of banging noises, that almost sounded like someone banging on a door. At one point, I even came downstairs to see if someone was, in fact, at the door, but there was no one there. And I realized it sounded like it was coming from above, not below. I didn't know what it was, but then it stopped, and I forgot all about it. But now I think maybe it was the heating system, which is in the attic, dying. Or temporarily breaking, or whatever.
I have a heat guy coming tomorrow after work. But meanwhile, Jordyn and I had arranged to stay at my parents' house tonight (or, at least I thought we had), because when we left to go to our monthly SMC meeting at 3:45 this afternoon, the thermostat read 54.5, and it had been slowly dropping. I knew it was only going to get colder in here.
Oh yes, here. We're home. We shouldn't be, but we are. As I said, I thought I'd arranged for us to sleep at my parents' house. I'd called them earlier, told my dad about the heat issue, and he said we could always stay there til it, the guest room was available, etc. Jordyn has a room there - she always has since we slept there so often during her first year when I worked til midnight 3 days/week and my parents did most of my childcare. I've always slept in the guest room when we've slept over (ever since she got old enough that me sleeping in the same room with her no longer worked), although it's been a while since we did, since my work schedule has changed.
Anyway, my parents knew we were coming, and were expecting us. They knew we were at the SMC meeting, then going to dinner, and then coming over. When I checked my phone at the end of the meeting, my mom had texted me saying, "FYI. [My sister] is here...". I texted back saying thanks, asked how my sister was and whether or not she was staying over. My mom said she didn't know yet if she was staying over, and that she was "a little off but not horrible. Just be nice, she needs kindnesses". We were at my parents' house last night, and my mom had told me my sister had spent the night one day last week, and that she slept in another bedroom that doesn't currently have a bed in it, but has a mat of some kind. For whatever reason, my sister "loved that room" and wanted to sleep in it, and slept on the mat. So, when I asked my mom if she was staying over tonight, I assumed (yeah, yeah, I know what happens when you assume!) that she'd be sleeping in that room again if she stayed. It never occurred to me that she may sleep in the guest room, leaving me with no where to sleep. It never occurred to me that my parents would
give her the guest room - knowing full well I was coming over to spend the night - leaving me with either the couch or the basement.
But that's exactly what happened. We got there at 8:30. It was past Jordyn's bedtime, but the restaurant took forever, and this (the night of the SMC meeting) does tend to be our latest night of the month. I'd prepped Jordyn in the car for saying a quick hi and goodnight to everyone because it was going to be time to go right to sleep when we got there. The door was locked, so I'm standing outside in the cold, holding Jordyn, a backpack (the diaper bag), my purse, and an overnight bag. I knocked (there's no doorbell at this door), and somehow managed to pull out my phone to call one of my parents. I saw a text from my mom from 3 minutes earlier asking if I'd decided not to come.
My dad opened the door, we walked in, my dad was saying hi to Jordyn, and my mom came in the room. I hadn't even put down my things yet. She informed me that my sister was staying in the guest room, and that I had to sleep on the couch. I was PISSED, and that's putting it mildly! WTF?! First, my sister has heat at her house. Second, my parents already knew I was coming to spend the night. Third, my sister doesn't have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Fourth, my sister doesn't have to work tomorrow. Should I go on?! Why should she get the guest room?? Why can't she sleep on the couch? Or fucking go home?? When I balked at sleeping on the couch (I wouldn't sleep well, and I wouldn't be able to go to sleep until everyone else went to sleep, which would be way too late), my mom said I could sleep in the basement. For one thing, the basement is about as cold as my house. For another, there's no bed down there, just a couch or a lazy boy type recliner.
And, I'd realized as we'd pulled in the driveway, that my brother was there, too. I think he'd just gotten there, and I don't think my parents even knew he was there yet. Anyway, I decided we were leaving. It was late, Jordyn needed to go to sleep, I knew there was NO WAY things were going to work out in any even close to positive way at my parents' house, and I was SO FUCKING ANGRY at the situation that I just needed to get out of there.
Now, a big part of why I'm so upset right now is because I now realize that I made the decision of what to do based on me, and not on Jordyn. The right thing for HER was to stay at my parents' house, and I should've just sucked it up and done that, for her sake. But by the time I thought it through and realized that, it was too late. So, yeah, I'm a horrible parent.
But I'm also upset because I realize that this is the reality of things. I'm the sibling of the sick kidS, so I'm always going to come last. I know how this works from my work. The kid with cancer? She gets all kinds of gifts, and visits from famous people while she's in the hospital, and her parents are by her side every step of the way. Everyone always asks how she's doing. The siblings of the kid with cancer? They get shuffled around to friends' houses, relatives' houses, etc., so their parents can focus on the kid with cancer. No one brings them gifts, no one asks how THEY'RE doing. They just get asked how their sister is doing. I'm NOT saying cancer doesn't suck, especially when a kid has it, it absolutely does, and kids with cancer deserve the attention they receive. I'm just saying their siblings deserve - and need - it, too. Same with bipolar, or whatever disease you want to fill in the blank with. I know I'm an adult, not a kid, but the same thing applies, in a slightly different way. I'm not looking for gifts, I'm not looking for visits from famous people. But I'm looking for not being made to feel like I come last. I'm looking for not getting kicked out of the guest room so my sister can have it, "because she's very sick" (my mom's words). It's not my fault my siblings have mental illness any more than it is theirs.
And I want to have a second child? Ha! This is exactly the shit that makes me doubt that I should do it.
How could I have not stayed and sucked it up - for Jordyn's sake?? How did I not even think about her? I just knew I needed to leave, and that was that. Honestly, in the moment, it didn't feel as though I had a choice. It didn't seem like I had any other option. It was so late, I needed to get Jordyn into bed, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep on the couch or in the basement, and I just needed to get out of the loony bin. But wow, I sure won't win any parenting awards with this one!!
At least I was able to cover it/fake it ok. I told Jordyn that we were going home to sleep, because there weren't enough beds at Nana and Grandpa's house. She started to list everyone, and repeated that there were too many people and not enough beds. I told her we'd have a sleepover there another time. She wasn't upset. I told her it may be a little cold at our house, but that we'd bundle up so we'd be toasty and warm, which made her laugh for some reason (I think it was "toasty" that she found funny).
My mom texted a little while ago, asking if we were ok at home, and said, "Sorry about the mess tonight... I am trying to be with both and can't split myself in half!!!!" I don't think she needs to split herself in half, I just think she needed to think through the whole situation with the guest room. I told her we're fine, that I'm incredibly angry and think she owes us an apology, and suggested she do just that - think through the situation and see if she'd do it the same way again. I explained why I thought she shouldn't have given my sister the guest room. She texted back saying, "Okay, I apologize... it got so late I thought you weren't coming. And she is incredibly sick!!" And then she told me my brother is a mess, too, that she's "SO stressed so please be a little understanding of this horrible situation". I'm trying, I really am, but I only have so much to give to this. And then she started talking about me possibly taking the dog this week (my parents are supposed to be going to NY tomorrow til Friday). And she mentioned that she may not go to NY until Wednesday, since both of my sibs are such a mess. I'm just waiting for her to decide not to go to Disney World with us next week, although I kind of think she may make that happen.
So, Jordyn's wearing a fleece sweatshirt over her pajamas. I tried to get her to sleep with a hat on, but that was a no go. I'll put more blanket layers on her when I go upstairs, maybe even my sleeping bag that's good to like 20 below or something. I'm sitting on the couch in a sweatshirt, with a fleece blanket around my shoulders and another over me. It's warmer upstairs than downstairs, and the thermostat (which is downstairs) is currently reading about 49-50. It's 29 outside, with a low of 24 tonight. How low will it go in here?? I'm more worried about the morning - getting out of bed, for one thing! - and feeding her breakfast in a 50-degree kitchen. Maybe we'll run to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast, if we can get out of here early enough (which is doubtful). Or sit in the warmed-up car with a bowl of oatmeal. Hmm, that could work.