Dear Jordyn,
Today is your one-and-a-half birthday. I can't believe you're already 18 months old! Time has really been flying by, and it shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. I want to stop time for a while, and just enjoy you at this age. It can be frustrating at times (for both of us!), but oh, so much fun, too! So here's a little snapshot of what's going on with you right now...
You're really picking up a lot of words these days. I can't even begin to keep track of all of them. One of my favorite "Jordyn-isms" is that you consistently say "oh" for yes, and it's usually drawn out to two or three syllables (a longer "ooooh", not a repeat "oh oh oh"), depending on how excited you are about something. For instance, I'll ask if you want a "special treat" (dessert), and you'll say "ooooh", or if you need help with something, and you'll say "ooh". It's so cute, and I almost dread the day you start to say "yes".
You call your uncle Alan "Ah-nee". Your friend Alice is "Ah-sah". Grandpa is "Gah-pah". You've been very into bouncing lately, and you love to go "bah-see" (bouncy) on the big exercise ball or your red bouncy horse ("ah-see" = horsey). You say "mun" for moon (I used to say "moo-ee" when I was your age!), more is "mah", and you're still signing "all finished". I love your version of the sign! You started to say thank you when we were in Ohio for the wedding, but you say it like "YAH-toe". The "you" is kind of like halfway between "toe" and "too". It's very cute. You've started to say thank you when you hand me something, I guess either because you know I'm going to say it or because you're telling me what to say.
You call any type of hair accessory a "bow", whether it be a barrette, a clip, or a rubber band (although I think rubber bands were the original "bows"). You have a habit of yelling "bow" in a high-pitched voice when you want to wear or play with a bow. You love for me to put bows in your hair, but you always pull them right back out again. I wish you'd leave them in, because you always look so pretty with them, although you're always beautiful no matter what. You haven't had a haircut yet, but I think it's getting to be time. You're looking a little like a ragamuffin these days! Since you won't leave "bows" in your hair, your bangs fall into your eyes and I'm constantly brushing them back with my hand.
You've been able to fill in words in songs for a little while now. For instance, I'll sing "Twinkle twinkle little" and then pause, and you fill in "stah" for star, and I'll say "how I wonder what you", pause, and you'll fill in "ah" for are. You do this for the last word in each line. We also sing the "Hello" song from our Music Together classes (and CDs), and I'll pause for you to fill in the names. You'll often fill in Mimi (your teacher at school), "Sah-sah" (Sarah, one of the assistant teachers), something like "Jih-bee" (Jayme, the other assistant teacher), Nana, "Gah-pah", "Ah-nee", Lala (your aunt Hila - she chose this name for herself), something like "See-nee" (Sydney, the dog) "Ah-sah", and of course "Mommy"! Yes, that's right, you recently started calling me "Mommy" instead of "Mama", at least most of the time. You'll also sometimes throw in "Nee-kee" (Nikki, Mimi's husband), and a couple of classmates' and other friends' names.
You'll still eat almost anything. The only two things it seems you don't really like are shrimp and string cheese. You'll dip chips into the salsa at a Mexican restaurant - repeatedly! Sometimes you realize your tongue "hurts" after a while, but I'm not sure if you've made the connection that the salsa is what made that happen. You love to "dip", and will dip veggies (or your fingers, which drives me crazy) in hummus or ranch dip, and you also like ketchup and mustard, even spicy mustard! We also recently discovered that you love the pickled ginger that comes with sushi. Lala gave you a piece to see what you thought, and you kept asking for more and more! Your palate reaches far and wide, and we'll just keep experimenting with a variety of foods, including more ethnic foods, to see just how far and wide it'll go.
You went through a phase a couple of weeks ago where you were very excited about sitting on the potty, and wanted to do it all the time. You'd sit there for a while and we'd read books, especially one called "Potty". One of the first few times, you actually peed, and I thought maybe potty training was going to be very easy and early! But I think it was a fluke, because you haven't done it again since. You're also not quite as into sitting on the potty now, but you still ask to do it sometimes. It's ok, though. You'll get there when you're ready, and maybe we'll focus on it a bit more over the summer.
You've been enjoying being in school (a home daycare) three days a week. You're always sad (to varying degrees) when I leave after dropping you off, but I know you have a lot of fun there. You constantly say your teachers names, and I always tell you when you'll see them again (i.e. you'll say "Mimi" and I'll tell you that you'll see her on Monday, and then explain that today is Friday, then there's Saturday, and then Sunday, and then Monday). I absolutely love when I come to pick you up and your face lights up with a huge smile as soon as you see me, and you say "Mommy!" and come running over and jump into my arms). It just warms my heart every time you call me "Mommy", no matter where we are!
This morning we had your 18 month doctor appointment. You weighed in at 29.03 pounds, which is the 97.64 percentile, and measured 34 inches tall, which is the 97.45 percentile. But your friend Alice came over to play this afternoon, and she's obviously taller than you, and her mom said she was recently measured at 33 inches, so one of the measurements must be wrong! I re-measured you with what I think was a more accurate measurement than this morning, and it was just over 32, maybe 32.25. Either way, your doctor said you're the size of an over-two-year-old! Your head circumference is 19.38, which is the 98.43 percentile.
You've really enjoyed when we've celebrated the beginning of Shabbat either by saying the prayers and singing "Shabbat Shalom" before dinner at Nana and Grandpa's house with Alan and Lala there, too, or by going to Tot Shabbat at our temple. Nana cooks Shabbat dinner many Friday nights, or occasionally we'll say the prayers over the candles, wine (grape juice!), and challah at home, maybe with Lala and/or Alan here, too. It's kind of funny, because you associate all candles with Shabbat, and will say "Sha-bah" anytime you see one! You love singing "Shabbat Shalom", and we have a CD of Jewish children's songs that we listen to in the car sometimes. I've enjoyed doing these rituals with you, and hope to see your Jewish identity continue to develop over time.
Last Friday, I took you to the Wyss Institute across the street from Boston Children's to participate in a study. They needed to videotape you as you walked and/or run, which you were happy to do, but they needed to put "bracelets" made out of stretchy materials and velcro on your arms and legs first (or we also tried using stickers instead), and you wouldn't have anything to do with it. We tried and tried, using all kinds of toys, books and food to distract you, putting the bracelets on me first, etc. We pulled out all the tricks, but you were just too alert and aware and didn't want to have them on you. We eventually gave up, but that's ok. Afterwards, I was able to take you to visit where I work at Children's Hospital about the street. You met some of my colleagues, and charmed the socks off of them all! You played with some big stuffed animals in the office, and kept hugging and kissing them. It was really so cute, and we even got to take one of them home with us. We ate lunch in the cafeteria at the hospital with one of my friends and former student, and you were so well-behaved throughout the entire visit. I was so proud of you, and it was so much fun to show you off to some of the people I work with.
You're so smart. A month or two ago, Alan bought you a pink stuffed dog when we went out to dinner with him, and another time he brought you a sombrero from Mexico. Every time you pick up either of them to play with it, you say "Ah-nee", and you'll answer his name if asked who gave it to you, so I know you remember that they're both from him. One night when we were getting you ready for bed, I couldn't find your sleepsack. I always hang it over the side of your crib in the morning, but you often pull it down and carry it around upstairs with you, so I don't always know where it ends up. As I was looking for it I said something out loud about not being able to find it, and you went to the cabinet in your room, opened the door, got the sleepsack out that you'd put in there that morning, and brought it me with a smile on your face!
You're incredibly friendly. I've never met a baby who gives so many kisses to so many people. For a while now, you've been giving lots of kisses, not only to me and the rest of our family, but also to other kids and babies, and even adults. You'll even kiss random people when we're out and about! You don't always touch your lips to someone to give them a kiss, but you kiss into the air. You'll even kiss someone who's not physically present! For instance, you'll say "Gah-pah" and then kiss the air, as if you're sending him a kiss wherever he is. Or, I'll point out a dog as we're taking a walk, and you'll kiss the air, as if you're giving the dog a kiss. When Alice was sad today at one point when she was over to play, you went over and gave her kisses... maybe you were trying to cheer her up? I hope so, and I hope that's something you'll continue to do - to express sympathy and to help people when they need it. Sometimes you'll go close to someone and lean in to kiss the air close to them, and sometimes you'll give the person a hug when you kiss them, too. This past week, you've done the sweetest thing a few times when you're in your highchair - you'll take my hand, pull my hand and arm to your face and give it a hug while you kiss it. You also say "hi" to people all the time, both people you know and people you don't, like when we're in the grocery store! You can be quite insistent about it at times, saying hi repeatedly, even when the person has already said hi (sometimes more than once) to you.
You love music, and you love to dance. Oh, the dancing you did when you came with me to my friend's wedding last month! You never left the dance floor. You're starting to add some moves to your repertoire, too. You used to just rock side to side picking one foot up off the floor as you rocked the opposite way. Now you're starting too bend your knees and get your arms into it, too. It's really very cute.
I think I could go on forever. You're amazing, and watching you develop in all kinds of ways is incredibly thrilling. I'm loving watching you grow up, I just wish it could happen a little slower so I could have more time to enjoy and savor each step along the way. I'm really happy that I'm working only part time right now so I can have more time to spend with you while you're young, because it really does go so incredibly fast! I'm going with the motto "carpe diem" for a while, so I can be sure to make the most of every day and really enjoy the ride. I love that we're getting to take Music Together classes, take advantage of various programming for young children in our and nearby towns, and have playdates with our friends. I love watching you have fun and interact with other children, and I'm just having so much fun being your mommy! Keep enjoying life, and being the happy, fun-loving little girl that you are.
I love you, love you, love you,