Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009 & Update

This was not one of our best Christmases. First of all, Nick got sick on Wednesday. I thought he just had strep throat or something, so I took him to the dr. Wed. night and he had a stomach virus. So he was not feeling great. Then the next day, Jayden and Sean both got the stomach virus. It has taken a while for everyone to feel better. But I think everyone is finally coming around. Jayden is the one I worried about the most because I didn't want him getting dehydrated. And he already has a tough time gaining weight, so this has thrown a kink into his weight gain. He spent a good 24 hours taking nothing in but pedialite. And we were glad that he could keep some of it down. Then we had to put him back on his O2 while he was sleeping and some during the day. We even missed out on our tradition of eating dinner at my parents house on Christmas Eve. Let me tell you that pizza is NOT better than the home cooked meal of Christmas Eve! One of my biggest fears is having to put Jayden back in the hospital. I think we have avoided that this time around. It was nice that we still had the oxygen in our house and that he still has his ng tube. He is still not eating orally yet, but I think he will before too long (hopefully!) I was just very grateful that we were all together for Christmas and we didn't have anyone in the hospital. Christmas is about families, and spending time together. Anyways, we took Jayden to Albuquerque on Tuesday, Dec. 22, for his appointment with the cardiologist. From what they could tell on his echo. he is doing great! He wasn't cooperating very well. So we don't have to go back to see the dr. for 6 months! But he wants us to keep the oxygen in the house at least through the winter.

Anyways, here are some pictures of our Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Concert

Tyler is so very talented when it comes to playing music. He had his winter concert last night and I could definitely hear him playing better than most! And I'm not biased (OK, so maybe a little). But he is very good. I will have to get a film of him playing his trumpet and the piano and post it sometime. But here he is after the concert.

Friday, December 11, 2009


I am a little behind on this post because, well, my life is crazy busy! Hence the post below. We went to our annual luminarias display at our local college on Saturday. The college has been putting it on for at least the past 20 years. If you don't know what luminarias are click here for a basic explanation. We usually like to walk because you get to see more and you don't have to be bumper to bumper with the cars in front and back of you. Plus you save all that gas! This year was really cold! So we bundled everyone up and set off. Jayden got to ride in the wagon all snug. Here are some pictures. They didn't turn out very good. I am just not a photographer. Plus it was dark outside, which makes it harder to see what I'm taking a picture of.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Heaven's Very Special Child

I know many of you have read this. It was printed in our local newspaper a couple of days ago and wanted to share it. The author is Edna Massimilla. She wrote it after her daugher was born with down syndrome.

Heaven's Very Special Child

A meeting was held quite far from Earth.
It was time again for another birth.
Said the Angels to the Lord above-
"This special child will need much love.
"Her progress may be very slow.
"Accomplishments she may not show.
"And she'll require extra care
"From the folks she meets down there.
"She may not run or laugh or play,
"Her thoughts may seem quite far away.
"So many times she will be labeled 'different,' 'helpless' and disabled.
"So, let's be careful where she's sent.
"We want her life to be content.
"Please, Lord, find the parents who
"Will do a special job for you.
"They may not realize right away
"The leading role they are asked to play.
"But with this child sent from above
"Comes stronger faith, and richer love.
"And soon they'll know the privilege given
"In caring for their gift from heaven.
"Their precious charge, so meek and mild
"Is heaven's very special child."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Crazy Life!

Do you ever feel like you are living a crazy life? That's how I've been feeling lately. I have been so crazy busy it's unbelievable! And when you're crazy busy, you're also crazy tired! I go to bed at night and sometimes don't remember even going to sleep and before I know it, it's time to get up again. I still have sooo much to get done in the next couple of weeks and hoping that I can manage to get everything done. I have started my Christmas shopping, but I still need to get some more done. Between Jayden's appointments and mine I have no time! Sometimes I feel like I run around with a chicken with it's head cut off. I have cub scouts to organize, appointments to keep, shopping to do, and Christmas baking! Aaaagggghhhh! Tyler is trying out for basketball next week. So that will be added into the mix. Do you wish sometimes life would just slow down a bit and let you catch up? So let's just hope I can find some time in the next couple of weeks to enjoy the ride....