Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jayden Crawling!!

Jayden has started to crawl! What a great accomplishment for my little man! I didn't think he would ever crawl. Even his physical therapist told me he may not crawl because he is getting around scooting on his behind. It was so funny the first time he crawled. Last week when his physical therapist was working with him, he started to get mad because she makes him work. Well he got mad and started rolling all over the floor. Then he rolled under the coffee table and tried to sit up. Well he couldn't sit up and he was in all fours position and just crawled out! I thought, "Well that will not happen again." On Tuesday he saw something across the living room that he wanted and I wasn't paying a lot of attention to what he was doing. Next thing I know, he had crawled across the living room! I couldn't believe it! Since then, he has been doing a lot more crawling. I finally got a film of him, so here it is!

Hope everyone is having a happy thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

10 Reasons To Give Thanks For a Special Needs Child

This is so true, I just had to share!

1. You never have to worry about worrying over nothing.
Let other parents obsess over the frivolous and the shallow. Your child will make sure you always have something worthy to worry about.

2. Developmental delays = more years of hugs, kisses, and little-kid sweetness. What mom of a sullen teen doesn't secretly wish for the same?

3. Maybe someday, Ty Pennington will come build you a house.
Hey, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition loves families of children with special needs. Your little one may be your ticket to a lavish living space.

4. Any little milestone is a cause to throw a party. Your child works hard for every step, sit-up and syllable, giving you lots to be excited about.

5. Every day is a learning experience. Some days it's a pop quiz, some days it's a crash course, but life with your child is always an education, for sure.

6. You have the privilege of putting several doctors' children through college. After paying for all those appointments, you may feel like a one-family scholarship foundation. Put your child's name on some letterhead and take pride.

7. You meet a better class of parent in waiting rooms and support groups. Your child frees you from having to hang out with those snotty parents on the playground, and gives you entry into an exclusive club of people who are sensitive, sarcastic, and sure of their priorities.

8. You have an iron-clad escape excuse for any occasion. You'd love to stay at that boring party, crowded event, endless church service, but, you know, your child just can't tolerate it. (And if sometimes it's you who can't tolerate it -- who's to know?)

9. Coming up with new strategies every day keeps your brain sharp. They say doing crossword puzzles helps ward off Alzheimer's. Figuring out your child's schedules and treatments and lessons and rights and restrictions must easily provide twice the protection.

10. Your blessings will always be fully counted. Other parents may take the gifts that their children bring for granted. Not you. Not ever.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This post is for me. I just wanted to have a record of some of things I'm thankful for. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I have been thinking about all the things I'm thankful for this past year. There are so many things that are too personal to share on here. But I did want to express how thankful I am for the many blessings I've had this past year.

I am always very grateful for the progress that Jayden has made. Sometimes I loose sight of what's really important and I start getting complainy about Jayden and all the care he requires. But I just wanted to say that this little boy has brought so much to my life. I know people say that all the time when they have a special needs child. But they really do change your perspective and give greater meaning to the simple things. I consider myself a simple person, so this works great with me! I'm so very grateful we have had no hospitalizations this past year! With the exception of his heart surgery.

I'm also very thankful for Tyler. He is such a great big brother and help to me. Yes, he's a slob and I can't get him to keep his room cleaned, but he changed my life forever when he was born. I was probably a very selfish person before him. There is just something about having a baby that makes you realize that a helpless little person is very dependent on you. I've been having "mommy moments" lately. I think about how many years that are left for him to be in my care, and it's not very many! I just hope that I have done justice by him and taught him things to help him survive this big world. Tyler is knowledgeable beyond his years. He has always preferred adult company to his peers. I know that he will be successful in anything he puts his mind to. He makes me proud everyday!

Then there's Nicholas. What a joy he has been to me and his dad. We had been trying to get pregnant for a while so when he finally did appear, it was pure joy! You have always been so loving. This boy was always sitting in my lap. Even now, he will come and sit by me on the couch and cuddle up next to me. He's too big to sit on my lap now. I have to write down the story of when I lost him, so he can have record of it. When Nick was two, I lost him. He slipped out our front door and I didn't know where he went. I didn't know that he went outside, so I looked everywhere inside the house. Then decided to check outside and checked with the neighbors and still no Nicholas. I finally called Sean at work and by then, I was frantic and had every possible bad scenario going around in my head. Then I decided to walk down the street a little ways and there he was! By the neighbors house. I was so relieved but at the same time so mad at him! That same day, we installed new locks on the doors that he couldn't reach. I'm so happy he was born and joined our family!

I love my boys so much!! I always wanted a girl, but now I wouldn't trade them for a girl! I couldn't imagine my life without any of them!

I also want to say how thankful I am for Sean. He puts up with me and my mood swings. This past year has been tough on both of us. I'm so grateful that we share the same views and values. That it's important to both of us that I am able to be at home with the boys. I think it makes a huge difference in a child's life if mom can be at home. There is a sense of security it provides. I remember when I was in high school and I knew that when I got home from school, my mom was always there. So thank you Sean! For providing a life for me and our boys that enables me to be at home with them. We don't live an extravagant life but it's a good life! And we don't go without!

I'm also thankful for great family! My parents that help wherever they can, my siblings that I get along with so well. My mother-in-law that is supportive no matter what we are doing. Thank you for raising Sean and instilling the values he has.

Last but not least, I am thankful for a heavenly father that is mindful of me. When I start to feel overwhelmed, I know that he's there walking right along with me. He has given me strength when I didn't think I had any left. He is my constant companion. I am so grateful for my beliefs and the knowledge of eternal families.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Slave Labor

We are such awful parents that we actually "make" our kids help with chores around the house. During the fall, all the leaves fall off our giant tree in our front yard. So we get to spend many days cleaning up leaves. I like to do a little everyday instead of waiting until they are all off the tree. That way it's not such a big job to tackle. Even Jayden had fun scooting around in the leaves and rocks!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Beautiful Day!

It is such a nice day outside (70*) that we decided to take a walk down to the park. And with winter just around the corner there's not going to be too many more days like this one! RJ (my step-son) was also in town today so he came and spent the day with us. Here are some pictures! This is the first time ever that Jayden has been able to "play" at the park. He is usually stuck in his stroller. Well today we decided to try the swing and he was a little scared at first, but then he loved it! He didn't want to leave when it was time to go. I would ask him if he's ready to go and he would shake his head "no." He such a funny boy!!

He's so photogenic!

Poor Lacey had to be tied to the light post.

Jayden and daddy swinging.

Nicholas looking for the soccer ball.

RJ and his crazy moves! I cannot believe how tall this kid has gotten!

Tyler in control of the ball!

Mr. Bossy (Tyler) telling the brothers how it's done.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09

This year we had a carpenter (Tyler), a knight (Nicholas), and a spider (Jayden) join our family. Then we had one Harry Potter (Jacob) join the fun! We went to our church Halloween party and did some trick-or-treating. Another fun Halloween!!