Monday, July 8, 2013

It's Been Awhile......

I have been trying to decide if I wanted to keep doing this blog. I decided to not keep it up anymore, what with facebook and instagram. And I can control the audience of both of those social networks. But I kind of miss blogging! So I might try to play catch-up..... It's crazy that the summer is already half way over! Lots of changes coming our way this fall. The biggest is my baby, Jayden, is starting kindergarten. I have mixed feelings about that. Nick will be moving to a new school. They rebuilt his middle school in a completely different location. And then my oldest will be a senior! Can't believe he's that old already! At least I have one more year with him before he's out on his own! We have been busy this summer. We took a trip to Cali last month and went to Disneyland and the beach! Tyler and Nick have been swimming all summer. They joined FCAT (Four Corners Aquatic Team). So far the summer has flown! I just want it to slow down a bit. I'm reading a book right now that has ideas on how to slow down and not keep up with the rat race of life. That's what I'm wishing I could do. But it seems like with kids, that's really hard to do. Especially when they want to be involved is so many things.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Last Couple of Months (In a Nutshell)

We have been busy busy busy at our house! It is starting to slow down a bit, but then the holidays are upon us! So what have we been up to? Well, when my kids are busy that makes me busy! So Tyler has been busy with marching band, swim team, piano lessons, friends, refereeing soccer, and church. Marching band is over, but he will continue with the swim team until this spring. He leaves for school before 7am and comes home for a few minutes after school, then heads to swimming practice from 3:30-5:30 everyday except Tuesdays. That is piano day. Tyler and Nick have also joined the choir at church. They practice every Sunday after church. Nick has been busy with piano lessons, football, and church. Football is over and they had a great season! Except for the few referees that made some pretty bad calls! But Nick loves football so nothing will keep him from his passion! He could play one more year with the YAFL league, but I think he's leaning more towards playing for his middle school. Jayden has been busy with just being Jayden! He keeps me on my toes all the time! Never a dull moment with him! He is very active and thinks he can get into everything! His brothers are learning to keep their things picked up or else Jayden will get it. He is trying to speak a little more and on his progress report, he has met all his goals for speech except one! And the one they said he didn't meet, he does at home, just not at school. Jayden is going to start receiving extra speech outside of school. So that will make for a more busier day for me! He is loving preschool this year! His teachers/team at school keep telling me how much he's come along. (Now if only I could get him interested in potty training......) Sean has been busy with work. Seems like he works so much and is hardly ever home. But I'm grateful he has a job. As for me, I just try to manage the household and the kids! We still toss around the idea of getting a bigger/newer house, but seems like it's not the right time. Someday maybe! Here are some pictures of our last few months:

Tyler getting ready to referee a soccer game.

The chicken's love watermelon!

Tyler leading the band in the Homecoming Parade.

Jayden going down the slide at the park.

Playing at the park. He climbed all the way up and went down the biggest slide by himself!

Our first chicken egg!
Tyler directing the band!

Tyler being drum major.

Tyler again with the band.

Playing for half-time.

Nick #43!

Jayden watching Nick play football.

Nick playing against Bloomfield.

Getting ready!
Nick's first band concert!

I painted the old panelling in my dinning room/kitchen. Gives it a more updated look.

Sean built a new chicken coop!

We carved pumpkins for Halloween.

All dressed up for the Halloween party. Tyler is dressed as grandpa, Nick a pirate, and Jayden a pumpkin. I have no idea what Sean dressed as. Himself, maybe?

Nick handing out treats for the trunk or treating.

Jayden playing outside! The weather has been really warm for this time of year.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tyler's Birthday

Tyler at 6 months old

My oldest is 17 years old! I can't believe it! I can still remember him as this cute little guy up above! And now he's bigger than me and Sean! He's been such a great kid! I love that he's his own person and isn't influenced by his peers. He's always been a special spirit. I can remember driving him to preschool and he would talk about when he turns 8 that he's getting baptized. I'm so proud to be his mom and that he was sent to me! Happy Birthday Tyler! I love you for always!