Tuesday, July 31

New Family Member

In spite of my constant repeating "no new dog until the kids are older"...We got a new dog!
His name (after much debate) is Gunner. He is an Australian Cattle dog aka blue healer. 
I was not able to keep up the tough act when it came to Sean's dream dog. He is about 7-8 weeks old. He is adorable! We are still working on everything. He does ok-ish with the going to the bathroom outside. He loves playing and chasing the kids. Sean said he is going to be his garage buddy. Last night was their first walk together with a leash. Sean came back so proud of how Gunner did. Gunner slowly walked back in the  living room and plopped down on the ground and fell fast asleep.
Tired after his first walk.
Killian can not get enough of the dog. She wants to hold him 24/7. Jameson tolerates the dog unless Daddy is holding Gunner, then he cries and tries to push the dog from Sean's arms. Can you say jealousy? I must not rank on the list because he doesn't care if I hold the puppy.
We couldn't decide on a name for a few days. His first name was Patch/Patches picked by Killian. But it just didn't seem to fit. So we tried other options. There was Foster (to keep with tradition lol Foster= Australian for Beer). Lambeau or Beau, bet you can guess who liked that one. Then Killian rallied for Prince Sparkle Face. But in the end, Gunner won out!

Happy Birthday Jameson!

I can not believe that our little guy is already a year old. Where has this time gone???
Since he is not able to fully voice his opinion on what kind of birthday he wanted Killian and I decided for him. We thought about what he likes so it was narrowed down to Cars or John Deere. We choose to go with the Disney Cars theme.
It was quite a change of pace planning a summer party as opposed to a dead of winter, right before Christmas party like we do for Killian. But of course, this being Illinois his birthday party day was a hot and humid day. Nothing a quick trip to Menards to buy a giant car port that was a clearance couldn't fix.
Sean and I must have been super excited or just totally felt the need to pass out as many invitations as possible. I am all about saving money and making my own stuff so I created his 1st B-day invitations and printed WAY TOO MANY!
Birthday Boy
His grand entrance
I stayed up late making a gazillion cupcakes. This would be the moment that our oven decides that it no longer wants to be the temp that the knob says it is. 2 back to the store I go to get 2 more sets of mixes. And this is when my overactive brain came up with the idea that I needed every flavor cupcake (4 of them) to have equal number of frosting options (4 of those as well). Sean was fantastic and helped me frost all the cupcakes. Jameson has not become a fan of sweets yet, not sure where this kid came from. So he got a white cake with white frosting and a J made from puffed popcorn (his absolute favorite snack). Unlike the rest of his family, Jameson does not like cake or many sweets! What a crazy kid.

What did you do to my puffs?


After, cake and substitute food it was time for presents before a naptime meltdown. Jameson got lots of great presents. However, present of the day went to Killian. She participated in the Race for the Cure with my mother. She begged my mom to let her put in some raffle tickets when they picked up their shirts and numbers. And guess what she won! A wonderfully loud pink snare drum. She loves waking up at 6 o'clock to start banging on the drum. It has since been moved into mom and dads room to help contain some of the crazy hours of music playing.
Sharing his food with our friend Tony.
All in all, I think Jameson's First Birthday was a success. He is quite a unique little man. We can't imagine our lives without him. We look forward to seeing what type of young man he turns out to be. And how many medical bills we will have do to his dare devil attitude!

Killian and her drum
My niece Sadie and her first piggies
Hmmmm, this puff tastes weird.