Thursday, April 23

30 DAYS!!!!!!!

1 month from today Sean and I will be saying I Do! (You can't see me right now, but I am doing my 30 days dance at work!) We are so excited and so thankful for all the support and help from our friends and family. I think we are a doing pretty good with getting everything done, but there is still a list that never seems to end. But hey I get my dress in 8 days so what else could I need....uh oh just saw my list again.

On a side Killian note we are teaching her to sing You Are My Sunshine. It is the song that my Grandma Barb used to sing to me and Sean tells me it is the song his mom sang him. Although he says the words were You Are My Son Sean. Aw how cute! I am going to work very hard at get a video of her singing. Unfortunately the only way to get her to sing it is to sing with her, so you will have to suffer through listening to Sean and I sing.

Friday, April 17


Yesterday Sean and I were finally able to take Killian to the park after work. It was such a nice day that we just couldn't keep her inside! The park is pretty cool. There is a section for older kids 5 and up, and a smaller part for kids under 5 years old. Killian was in awe of all the kids and the toys they all had. She kept saying hi baby to them and following them around. She liked to climb on everything and she really loved the slides. I put a video of Killian going down the slide by herself at the end of this blog. She liked the swings but not when Daddy would push her too high. She had a smile on her face the entire time! Now all we need is one of these in the back yard!

Killian playing with a stick she found.

Feeling the breeze in her hair!

Making Mommy nervous!

Checking out what the kid next to her is doing.

Big Girl Smile!

Going down the slide.

Killian going down the slide all by herself, big girl

Walking through the tunnel.

Killian trying to scare mommy.

Sunday, April 12

A Guppy is Born

This weekend Killian got to go swimming for the first time. She loved it! She looked adorable in her little swimsuit and her turtle floaty. Sean and I took turns trying to teach her to blow bubbles and kick her feet. She got the kicking part, but the bubbles not so much. All she wanted to do was drink the water. She put her head under water a couple times and did very well. She swam and swam and swam...until she was just about falling asleep in the pool.

Kiki in her swimsuit!

Showing off her robe!

Killian rocking her new Easter shades!

Saturday, April 11

Killian's Family Book

Yesterday while I was spending the day with Killian she was reading her favorite book, Killian's Family Book. This is the book I made with the pictures of all her aunts, uncles, cousins and her Papa and Nana Graff. She loves to sit down and look at all the pictures and say hi to everyone. I was picking up around the house a spotted Killian on the floor between the couch and the ottoman. She was being a little too quiet for me, so I strolled over to see what she was up to. At this age quiet usually means she is doing something she should not be doing. But she proved me wrong and brought a big smile to my face. She was looking through her book at all her family members. As she was flipping through I heard her say Papa Bite (which in the one picture he is eating a cookie...that's where the Bite comes in) and Nana. She turned the page and said Aubree, Bryce and Muk (yeah still Muk but close enough). She kept turning the pages and she said Kylee, Kira and Tew. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I know I always tell people she is a secret genius like her mommy, but I was truly amazed! I quickly grab the camera to try and record her, but Tater got in the way. I was able to take some pictures after I chased the dog away.

Killian looking through her book.

Relaxing with Papa and Nana

Yelling Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuk!

Giving Bryce and Aubree kisses!

Talking to Kylee

Making faces at Andrew, Colleen, Seth and Katie.

Killian saying Hi to Lauren, Ian and Daniel.

Tater waiting for me to play with him.

Thursday, April 9

Quick Update

Once again this Midwest weather has left our house full of sick people. The Midwest weather I am talking about would be our random days of 50 degrees or more followed by hail the next day.

We all are dealing with the colds, but Killian is taking it like a champ. You would never guess by her attitude that she doesn't feel well, but her poor red crusty nose tells the truth. She was letting us wipe her nose the first day but after that she would not have anything to do with it. I did find a way to wipe her nose without a battle. Now this is where some people might want to skip a sentence...I learned that if I made a BIG deal about the boogies I got out and showed them to her she would laugh and just sit there all ready to get more. I couldn't help but laugh at this new found trick.

Killian is getting better with names and faces from her Family Book. Ian, I am still sad to report you still only get a laugh if we say Ian. Sean did start to call you Budgey (okay I have no clue how to spell that so I hope it is close) and she will say that. Sean even called Ian's cell phone and had Killian leave him a message. Speaking of the phone, Killian loves to call people and pretend to call people. I would say 75% of the time she pretends to call Papa, sometimes she will call mommy, daddy, Aunt Rarah (as she calls Sarah) or Uncle D (aka Dave). She will hold her hand up to her ear and even rest her head on her shoulder. She will say hi to them and babble for a bit. When she calls Uncle D she always laughs and says "Oh D".

Killian has finally started to say her name, well at least what she interprets as her name. So we now have a Kiki in the family. Whenever she sees herself in the mirror she has to stop and say Hi Kiki or Hi Baby! She has also started calling every child baby, no matter their age. She sees a 1 year She sees a 5 year She sees a 12 year The younger kids don't have a problem with being called a baby, but some of the older kids she has played with always try to correct her and say no you're a baby and I am a big kid.

We had our Easter Egg hunt here at the Library last weekend. Killian did great! She was more concerned with her basket then actually getting the eggs. She got to play at the park, take rides in the wagon (through the Library) and play with some kids while I worked. All the kids out here that are my "regulars" always want me to bring her to work. So while I was working Sean and Killian hung out at the Library. Killian was in heaven with all the books, toys and all these girls paying attention to her. We eventually had to pry them all apart when Killian could barely keep her eyes open any longer. She was asleep before we left our parking spot.

Killian riding in the wagon at the Library with Finley.

Killian getting her eggs!

Mommy helping Killian get some eggs.

Sean and I have started finishing up all the loose ends for the wedding. I think we both are at the point where we just want to be done planning the wedding and just actually want to be in California and married. Things have gone very smoothly for us, knock on wood, thanks to all the help from our family and friends. We just wanted to say Thank You to everyone. Planning this wedding from Illinois has had it's bumps, but there was always someone there to help us. We could not have gotten this far without you all! I hope everyone is keeping up the good work on training for the 5K. And more importantly I hope everyone is getting ready for a wonderful vacation and wedding! We hope to spend lots of time with family and seeing California (for the first time for Killian and I). Some of you we will see in 44 days at the alter, and the rest we will see you in 41 days when finally touch down in Sunny California!!!

Friday, April 3

A night to be 15 again!

Last night my sister Sarah and I attended the New Kids on the Block concert here in our hometown. We were very very very excited! We made some shirts to wear to the concert and said our good byes to the kids and Sean. Of course, we have been listening to our old tapes and new CD to make sure we remembered old lyrics and memorized the new ones. The concert was everything that I hoped over the last 15 years that it would be! We were enjoying a pre-concert snack when 2 girls approached us with a question...where were our seats? I thought maybe they didn't know where to find theirs and wanted help. As it turns out they had extra floor seats and were wondering if we wanted them. OF COURSE!!!! So now we had row 23 seats on the floor! We were going to be with feet of them....WooHoo!

The show started and they were amazing! We screamed, danced and sang our hearts out the entire time. Here are some pictures for all you old school NKOTB fans!