Kobie typically sleeps on the stairs. He has more than one bed to sleep on, but for some reason, he prefers the stairs. Once in a great while, he decides he wants to sleep in the bedroom, but ususally not on the bed. This makes me happy because he is the biggest bed and pillow hog ever. He also lays down with his legs straight out and kicks if you invade "his" space.
He saves the best for the AM. Instead of jumping off the bed and barking to get one of us up, he moves around sighing and making a big to do for as long as it takes to get everybody up. He isn't fooled by a trip to the bathroom, he knows when he really has you up.
Today was special because after he was done trying to steal my pillows, he moved onto the cat bed above my pillow and ousted Faline (she was pissed). Did this put an end to his sighing, heavy breathing (right in my ear) and snorting? Nope. FYI, he is 60 lbs and doesn't really fit above my head or on a cat bed.
Which explains why I got up around 10 AM on a Saturday and started typing a post for this blog that I have been neglecting. Thanks, Kobie!
PIF = done!
I finally finished PIF, yay! Everybody got the Cat Calendars that I made except PirateWA; he got dishtowels that I crocheted (no pic).
Here are my PIF buddies:
The cover of the Cattywumpus calendar. Hard to believe that this is year #6 of Cattywumpus.

I'm sticking w/ the cattywumpus vibe of this blog and ending w/ food (sort of), not cats. I've been cooking up a storm in my time off. I could torture you w/ a ton of pics, but I'll spare you.
I made tons of sugar cookies and 16 mini blueberry pies for the December Pigs Peace Sanctuary bake sale that I organized. I wasn't feeling Martha enough to make a proper top crust :).
Andy also made cheddar cheezly scones.
The pic is rotated courtesy of blogger's stupidity.
Since I'm talking about the sanctuary, I'll worm in a picture of the scarf I crocheted that was raffled off for them.
See ya later! I'm headed out to get some food.