Two Previews In One Day
How lucky can we get? First, and more important, are a couple of pages from the Rick Veitch Truther comic book.
The artwork looks pretty good, but the story... not so much. It looks like they're going for the full-on paranoid style with this one. See, the gal who comes back in time to save her husband at the WTC? Well, her hubby works for "Stephen" (strongly implied by the context of the discussion as Spielberg). And "Stephen is adamant that the collapsing skyscraper finale be a real building--not a model."
Not only that, but Stephen wants scenes shot in Iraq as well. So 9-11 was a Dreamworks job?
On the comedy front, Richard Gage has released the trailer for his new nutstravaganza:
I love that they got Lynn Margulis, National Medal of Science winner to tell us about the problems with NIST. She must have won her medal in structural engineering, right? Well, no, she won it for microbiology. Which, if we were talking about multiple prokaryotic organisms, would make her an expert. Unfortunately for her, we're discussing steel-framed skyscrapers, on which she's no more educated than your average cab driver.
We get the usual quote-mining of Danny Jowenko, RIP. The Troofers never mention that he debunked the supposed controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.
Update: Gage must have ordered them to pull the original version of the trailer; a revised version is above. Not sure what they changed, Margulis is still there, as is Jowenko.