Saturday, July 28, 2007

So hard to say goodbye

We've had such a fun time with the Vegas Rasmussens this week. They were here all week with Anna's family at a beach house in Newport. We had fun going to the beach with them and hanging out. Ethan and Luke really enjoyed playing with their cousin Adam in the ocean and holding baby Jake. I got to be Anna's first "trash the dress" model (I think). I squoze into my dress and we went out to ocean, climbed on the jetty and waded through the water. It was an adventure! We had a small crowd watching and even got a few bewildered comments. For anyone thinking about participating in the "trash the dress" movement I highly recommend it. I know my dress is still in great condition and I personally can't think of a better way to put my dress to use 6 years after having used it in my wedding. Anna is a great photographer so I know the pictures will turn out good. Last night they came to our house and played and had dinner. Steve and Allen played lots of guitar hero. I'm so glad Ethan, Luke, Adam and Jake got to know each other a little better. We were sad to see them go but we're looking forward to going up to Nevada next weekend for the Whittaker's baby blessing and seeing Grandma and Grandpa Rasmussen, meet the new addition to the Whittaker family - baby Alyssa - and spending more time with family. Hurray for family!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I love to see the temple.

This week Ethan was playing with the Jenga blocks and I heard him singing his version of the children's song "I love to see the temple." I came to inspect and he pointed out his architectural masterpiece telling me "look! I made a temple, Mommy!" So I quickly grabbed my camera before the building came tumbling down, as most buildings do when they have a three year old architect...seems to be the most fun part of it.

Hummus does a body gooooooood...

Its hard for me to admit, but I have a picky eater. Luke hardly eats anything he SHOULD eat. He has demonstrated this behavior since we first tried giving him solid foods. In my desperation, I would mix hummus with his strained peas, green beans, etc. This habit has stuck. He loves hummus and we will put it on his veggies. Only now he has figured out that he doesn't need to eat the veggies, just suck the hummus off. Hmmm, maybe this has something to do with my aversion to vegetables when I was pregnant with him. Here is some documentation of his love of hummus, he can't spare a single morsel....who taught him to lick his plate?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Luke

I found Luke at our desk with the Mr. Potato Head glasses on his head and I couldn't resist taking a picture. I was laughing so hard.

When I got home from my jog yesterday morning Luke comes running towards me with his shirt pulled over his head. I guess he had tried to take off his shirt by himself and this is as far as he got. Steve took a picture while I was icing my shins so you can see my red, flushed face in the background...its so beautiful. With kids like Luke and Ethan there is never a dull moment in my household.

Ice is nice.

I have recently started jogging with my high school alma mater, Costa Mesa High School Cross Country team. I'm having a lot of fun trailing behind the team every morning. I can't believe I used to be able to run as fast as they do. I'm definitely feeling 10 years older than them but its ok. We've logged about 14 miles this week and I know its just going to get harder. My shins are reminding me that maybe its time for some new shoes. The team has some great members. I know its going to be a good season for them if they put in the hard work. Go Mustangs!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Puttin' on the Ritz (revised)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Birthday America!!!

I'm all amped up for America's birthday celebration. We plan on spending the morning at the beach, taking naps, and bar-b-q-ing. This will all be topped off with fireworks. We love this country and all the glorious aspects of it. We can't help but think of all the people abroad who are missing out on this celebration because they are helping defend us. We hope they can come home soon and safe. God Bless America!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

just wanted to put these pictures up

Some days I do feel as though only a cage could keep these two rascals contained. Or maybe its me that needs a cage?

The wheels on the park are great for hiding in!

I used to fit in this wheel like this too.
(Luke, Parker, Ethan and Hunter)

Friday, June 29, 2007

Mae turns 25!

We had a great time celebrating Mae's birthday with her at the beach, dinner and cake and singing! Happy Birthday, Mae!! We love you.

p.s. Now that I have the pictures from our boat ride I can talk about it. We all chipped in and rented a boat to "drive" around Balboa Island. It was a lot of fun. Mae and my dad had a great time steering the boat around and we all dreamed about owning one of the majestic homes along the island.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy 30th Steve!! We love you.

We had a fun day celebrating Steve's 30th birthday. We went to K1 Speed and raced the karts there. My brothers in law Clay and James came too. Their wives are pregnant so they couldn't race. The racing was a lot of fun. Steve came in 2nd place, right behind my brother in law James. But James had already been and he had the head start so we don't know about him....haha...just teasing James. Those little karts get going really fast, I even spun out was a blast! We had to keep the action going so we went to see "Spiderman 3." We had a tasty dinner at Macaroni Grill. The boys had a little rough start at the restaurant wanting to run around and be goofy but we got them settled down (its amazing what a couple trips to time out will do) and we had a pretty successful restaurant outing. Dinner was followed by lots of birthday singing, cake and playing with Steve's new toy for the Xbox, Guitar Hero....thanks to Claymation and the Johnsons for that fun gift! Steve and Clay stayed up playing until almost 11pm! We are so glad to celebrate another year with our wonderful Steverino, we love him so much. Goodbye 20s, hello 30s and even more fun than the 20s were....ooohhhhh yeaaaahhhh.