Monday, November 1, 2010

From one to two, feels like three.

Dear Sadie,

You had your 2nd birthday 11 days ago. That morning I woke up and lay in bed thinking about how fast these past two years have gone, how quickly you’ve grown. Your dad and I laughed thinking about the funny things you do, the sweetness you bring into our lives. How you love having a phone. When your dad or I get off the phone you’ve started asking us who we’re talking to. You are so curious about all things phone. We’re sure you’re going to take phone priviledges VERY seriously. How you suck your two middle fingers on your right hand and hold the panos (old burp rags) with the ribbon on the sides, those are your sources of comfort. How you love to sing and dance, you always seem to be humming a tune. Our favorite sound is your giggle. If we can get you giggling everyone smiles.

You had a fun birthday, I hope. Vovo took you to Disneyland where you rode the carousel


(I was dying that I wasn’t there with you and mad that my pass was expired) and to buy some new ear rings. You had a nice nap and then we went out to dinner and came home to party with the rest of your aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents that live nearby.  I made cupcakes for you and wanted them to be perfect…I think you ate one bite and were done.


I got some balloons and hung our birthday banners around the house for our little party. You had a lot of fun with the balloons. I think you’re dad recorded you laughing up a storm with some game your brothers were playing with the balloons.


Your Grandma and Grandpa Rasmussen sent money for your birthday and you picked out this cat keyboard when we were at Target. Its fun to see you pluck the keyboard but even funner to listen to you try to swallow the microphone.


Your aunt Mae and uncle Clay gave you the coolest purse. Every one wants it! It was decked out with a pair of sunglasses (pictured), a wallet, a photo album, some Tic Tacs, your own iphone (not really but looks good, unfortuneately you figured out quickly that it wasn’t the real thing – and I quote, “uh, not working!”), some jewelry…is that it? I forget. You love it…and so do I. Mind if I borrow it…for a few years?


Here is the bag and your new shoes! I love buying clothes and accessories for you. We are going to do serious damage on our shopping trips when you get older.


Your aunt Ev and Uncle James got you your first princess dress up that you ended up wearing for Halloween. It was A-DOR-ABLE. You really like to do this slouchy thing. I think its your modeling abilities beginning to show. You’re the next Top Model…hehe…I’m not being serious. You can or you can’t, no pressure.


Ok, this wasn’t on your birthday but I had to include it. Isn’t it adorable? Your first, and LAST bikini (that I will buy anyway). You have to be doing what your brothers and cousins are doing (or anyone for that matter). You were not going to sit by and let everyone else have all the fun at swim lessons anymore so I had to buy the “mandatory Health department regulated” bathing suit for children under 4. Happy swimming!


This one wasn’t on your birthday either but this is a post about you and I’m writing it so I’m going to include the cute picture of the two of us. I don’t know if you know this yet, if its sunk in, but you’re my sidekick. I always want to take you everywhere. Most of the time its not too much fun for you but I’m trying to work on that. We went to the pumpkin patch and you gave me a run for my money. You did not want to walk and I did not want to carry you, that’s the short of it. But we got this picture and it was all worth it in the end.


Sadie, I can’t believe you’re two. It kind of makes me sad. You might be my last two year old and its just going so fast. Pretty soon you’ll be out of your crib and out of diapers and speaking in full sentences that everyone around you actually understands (no more Sadie speak) and the rest will be history. We love you like crazy, little girl. Hope you always know that. Happy Birthday!