Thursday, June 24, 2010



1. One thing going on, specifically in my head, is my lovely viral friend Vestibular Neuritis. Seriously, I’m not hear to tell you I’ve been sick and gain your pity (ok, maybe a little bit), but this thing has really thrown me for a loop. I get dizzy at the drop of a hat, what’s up with that? I was put on some crazy patch to help with my motion sickness and dizziness but that made my eyes go crazy. Go away. Go away NOW. My favorite part of my doctor’s appointment was the doctor telling me “let’s knock on wood this doesn’t turn into a neurological problem. You start seizing or having double vision go to the ER.” Thanks, thanks a lot.  


2. I called and requested my transcripts from BYU. That may seem like a trivial piece of information to you but my head is still reeling from what this means. Let me explain; this means I’ve taken one step. I’ve wanted to be a nurse for a long time. Actually, it started off wanting to be a Physician’s Assistant. Then that morphed into nurse. Then I got married and decided to “wait” a little while (aka, have children). I think its time to put the wheels in motion. I found a school (thanks Bonnie!) that has a one year program. I need my transcripts so I can go meet with a counselor and see what I need for applying. It could be a year or two before I actually start (IF I get accepted) but its a start. It feels amazing.


3. Sadie is in the phase that she LOVES writing. Give her a pen and she goes to town! Its lovely… until I find her tattooed, my carpets heiroglyphed, and my walls vandalized. Ok, she hasn’t gone so far as to vandalize my walls… not YET.


4. I can’t believe Ethan is done with kindergarten. What? And Luke is done with preschool. Whuuuut?! I am now the mother of a FIRST grader AND kindergartner. Whoa. Its really going to happen isn’t it? They really ARE going to grow up, aren’t they? Hm. I think I need a tissue. Today was Ethan’s end of year program and Friday is Luke’s. I shed a tear, many tears to be exact. Kindergarten has been so beautiful. The simple coloring homework, the learning to read, easy addition and subtraction. First grade seems so… grown up and complicated. I’m glad I get to experience kindergarten again with Luke (and later with Sadie) but entering the world of “graders” is daunting. It seems as though kids start to lose their charm. They start bullying, they start learning foul language, they start really throwing around the attitude, they start noticing differences that separate them from others. I’m bracing myself.

5. I love the smell of Gain detergent. It makes me happy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I got da pride in my ride


I appreciate a good commercial. “Every Mother’s Day proves, I’m kind of a big deal.” Love it.