Tuesday, December 1, 2009


1. I'm in popcorn heaven tonight. Oh. My. Delicious. You have got to try these recipes here and here. Popcorn is one of those things you feel like you can eat a truckload of all at once, its so light and airy. Mmmmm....

2. Sadie went to bed at 5:45pm tonight. You read that right, 5:45pm. I'm crossing my fingers she stays asleep until 6am tomorrow morning.

3. We're taking pictures on Friday. I hope we can pull them off. Getting three kids to all look at the camera at once while having a somewhat congenial look on their faces can be tricky, especially the girl; she'll be the trickiest of the bunch. The boys are excited to wear their new clothes though. I went with the black, red and white combo. I was hoping to do mustard and navy blue but that was harder to hunt down then the previously stated combo so there it is.

4. I felt so awkward at church last Sunday. It was weird to sit in Sunday school. We have a joint meeting for the third hour. I remember being envious of those that could attend those meetings but Sunday I would have rather been in Primary again. Its ok though. I'm fine. This is probably the first calling in a long time I've been so attached to. I think thats the weirdest part of this whole experience.

5. The hubs is doing a great job losing weight. I think he's lost close to 20 lbs. Way to go, hunners. I'm struggling. First of all, what the pickle was I thinking trying to lose weight during the holiday season?! I swear I must have been delirious. We're trying to change our mindsets. We are both healthy eaters. I mean healthy in the form of we can put away food like pros. So we're trying to change that. Portion control. Portion control. Portion control. That's my latest mantra. Except the other day I read that Kate Moss said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." Excuse me, I beg to differ. I know some awesome lasagna and texas toast that probably tastes pretty darn close to how good skinny feels. Ugh. I need to be reprogrammed. Wish it were easier. I wish I were one of those people that could decide and be done with it. I have to decide over and over and over again. Its exhausting.

6. I love Pandora. Have I said that before? Its awesome. I got the "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" station and I listen to it all day long. Its beautiful. No commercials. No junk. If I don't like a song I just hit the little thumbs down button and it won't play it anymore. Pandora is a my best friend.

7. I'm reading John Adams by David McCullough. Its a Pulitzer Prize winner. It was made into a mini series on HBO. Its 768 pages. Oi. Seriously, its slow reading but this is the first book in this kind of history genre that I've actually been interested in. Usually stuff about the Civil War is too dry for me. I'm actually liking this book. It might take me a year to finish but I'll finish.

8. I'm playing my flute in our Christmas Sacrament program on the 20th. Yikes. Do you know how long its been since I played my flute? I actually took it in to be re-padded today. We'll see what the estimate comes back as. I had to rent a different flute so I have one to play on d-day. So this has reminded me of how much I liked playing with a group and I found this group, Orange County Mormon Choral Organization. I noticed they have an orchestra and they are in need of flute players. But I'd have to audition. Whoa. I don't know if I could hack that. And I'm a commitment-phobe too. Hmmm....

9. Have I told anyone that Sadie's a walker? Yah, no more crawling. She crawled FOREVER on her belly. Then around 10.5 mos. decided she could get up on her knees. Then she took her first few steps a couple weeks before her birthday and now she is full fledged. I need to take a picture of her shoes. They are kaput. I ordered some new ones from Robeez and I'm hoping they get here quick!

Sadie's current pair of shoes. Cute huh?

Sadie's soon to be new pair of shoes. Hopefully they last longer than the last pair.

10. I was reading books with the boys before bed tonight. Its usually part of our routine but the first thing to go when we are pressed for time. But on school nights its a must because its part of Ethan's homework. Everything that has to do with Ethan's education is not a burden. Its more like I feel accomplished and purposeful. I got to thinking, am I going to be as gung-ho next year when Luke adds to the bill? Or in a few years when its Sadie's turn? I want to be. I want to show them all the same committment. But it won't be new with Luke and Sadie. It will be been there, done that. Hopefully I'm wrong. Please let me be wrong.