Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flashback eight years

Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be
When our time has come
We will be as one
God bless our love
God bless our love

Grow old along with me
Two branches of one tree
Face the setting sun
When the day is done
God bless our love
God bless our love

Spending our lives together
Man and wife together
World without end
World without end

Grow old along with me
Whatever fate decrees
We will see it through
For our love is true
God bless our love
God bless our love

(song by John Lennon)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cowboy took me away

I should be on my elliptical machine working up a sweat right now but I'm going to tell you about my weekend instead. Well, the interesting parts anyway. Steve surprised me Friday morning. "These are the plans" he said. My witty reply followed, "what plans?" He told me he had arranged for an overnite trip to Solvang and we were leaving that afternoon. I don't think he had planned on being sick with the common Rasmussen head cold that attacts his eyes and makes him look like this. But sick he was and here we go! Three hours later and too much traffic we arrived in Solvang, did you know we were famous? That's right. Famous enough to have an entire store named after us. I found this cute little toy store that had some groovy sunglasses. Very me, if I do say so myself.

Solvang is basically german for stuff-yourself-silly-with-pastries (just kidding) and thats what we did. We ate some abelskivers for breakfast and then bought one of these for second breakfast. I ate most of it and managed to pause momentarily to capture the last few bites for you. Then I proceeded to the next bakery for a homemade soft pretzel. I couldn't stop myself long to take a picture.
This is the restaurant we ate at on Friday night. It seemed like a happenin' little place and it was Italian food, what can go wrong right? Wrong. Steve and I were not impressed. And it was expensive too, so not worth it.
Before Steve got too sick to head back to the hotel we walked around and stopped inside a cute little bookstore. I didn't think I was that much of a bookworm but sometimes I walk inside bookstores and I just love the smell of books. Thats what happened here. I walked in and caught a wiff of comfort...books. I just wanted to grab one, a blanky and plop on the couch for the rest of the day.
I found the perfect book for Steve. He loves Ender. He's read all about 'im. I think he would have wanted to name one of our children Ender but that's not how I roll (haha...). I showed it to him and he just said he would check it out of the library. That's my Stevo, so practical. Now it was time for a potty break. I walk into the loo and upon inspection I found this. Blehck. Seriously. Who leaves these things for plain view to all the customers? Nasty. Maybe this is what small town is all about? They don't mind the nasties out for display because then at least you know they are cleaning the stalls right? So we don't end of that nasty note here is the final picture. While everyone around me was taking pictures of the town windmills and danish artifacts I decided I would prefer to capture this clock for all to see. It kind of reminds me of teletubbies, do you see it? I have to say, though, its much cooler.
Thanks, hubs, for the weekend getaway! You rock for planning and executing. Now we can check Solvang off the list.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What keeps us busy

Shopping for cute clothes. I love these shirts from Threadless. They our so unique and witty in their designs. This one is called "wishless."
This one is called "defend the kingdom."
More cake baking...or caking...ha. I thought this cake turned out pretty darn good but who am I to judge?
I was also happy with these cookies I made for a baby shower. The baby's name was starting with an "S," just so you know. The cookies took MUCH longer than I thought they would but they were cute!
Luke has discovered the wonderful world of iphones. Unfortunately there is only one iphone in our household and its mine. I made the mistake of putting a car game on my phone and Luke has become addicted to it. Steve likes it too so I guess it is a good game but Luke is the most common offender. Hmmm....is four too young to have an iphone? Kidding, TOTALLY kidding.
I recycle. Sometimes I wonder why I recycle. I mean, I know its good for the earth..yadda yadda but Costa Mesa automatically sorts through our trash to pull recyclables so why do I add more to my already long to do list? I don't know. Its amazing how fast it piles up. I kind of don't trust how much the city recycles so I take control....wow, what does that say about me? Control freak. I also like that I rarely have a completely full trash bin to put out on trash day.
Sadie isn't so sure about the pool. She loves her baths but this whole pool thing hasn't quite tickled her fancy. She looks happy in this photo but don't be fooled, her dad is infront of her keeping her happy. That's exactly what she needs, someone to cling to. She won't let us go when we are in the pool.
I found a dead bird in our house. I found this dead bird roughly three weeks or so AFTER finding the mysterious bird poop in our kitchen after coming home from our mini Rasmussen Reunion in Mesquite, NV. Thankgoodness for the ant trail that I had to investigate that led me to it. Ugh. Of course, Steve was at work so I had to do the dirty work. Why? Why? Why does all the NASTY stuffy happen when Steve is at work?

Nine Months

She's almost 10 months old so I better get on with doing this posting before its too late. She has had an exciting month. She has sprouted two more teeth but still isn't getting off her belly to crawl. Here she is eating one of her favorite foods: peaches. This innocent peach was just sitting on the table minding its own business when Sadie grasped it and the rest is history. She ate the whole thing, even screamed at me when I took it away to remove the pit.
Sadie has a pretty good time in her walker. She loves to open the drawers and cabinets, pull things down from the counter or the table (like the bag of cereal that is on the floor), and just cause general havoc. We went to the beach around the beginning of the month and she decided to taste her first mouthful of sand. Mmmm....delicious....blehck. I honestly don't know what the fascination is with kids this age and how they love to put sand in their mouths. I guess its a sensory thing.
Want some sand?
Sand is so fun to clean off. I just looooove it. I'm not being sarcastic, really. Sadie, you are too cute. Even if I had to bring home the entire beach in your diaper. xoxo

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm horrible

Part of Luke's prayer tonight went like this: "please help mommy not to be so angry so she won't make me sad."
Just FYI I was grumpy. Why is it that every time (ok, I'm exaggerating a little but probably like 70% of the time) he comes home from being with my mom he is G-R-U-M-P-Y. Its like its painful to come home. I know grandmas are great and all but come on, I'm not so bad either.... at least I think so. So why do I continue to let him hang out with g'ma if this happens so much? I'm nice. He loves it so much I feel bad "depriving" him of it just because I don't want to deal with the 'tude when he gets home.
I apologized to him after we said our amens. Poor kid has me for a mom. Sorry, Lukester. I love you.