Friday, March 20, 2009

Cake, cake...who wants cake?

One of my birthday presents was three cake decorating classes by Anniece Barker. The picture here is one of her cakes. If any of you remember, I've wanted to take cake deco classes for a long time but I've never just done it. I guess my sisters got tired of me trying to talk them into doing it with me because they gave me this gift. Its been so fun! I've had two classes and next week will be my third and final class. I have learned how to make a delicious marshmallow fondant (WAY better than regular fondant) and my favorite buttercream recipe to date. I've learned how to stack cakes. And last week we practiced some simple decorations styles like basketweave, beeding (or is it beading?), and star flowers. Next week she's going to teach me how to make sugar flowers. I'm so excited. I want to make this cake in the picture. I just want to see if I can do it. I don't think I even minutely comprehend what it means to make this cake but I want to do it. But I don't want to have it sitting around to eat. Maybe I should just make it and send it to work with Steve....haha. I offered to make my niece, Ellie's birthday cake but that's not until the end of May. I need to practice though. Anyway....a whole lot of cake is going to be going on pretty soon. Thanks Ev and Mae!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


1. My friend Kelli and I packed up our kiddos plus one Waldron kiddo and headed off to the Great Park for one of their big balloon rides. We got there and walked right on after getting our "tickets." This is a picture of the entire gang after our balloon ride - Max (1), Jake (7, I think), Ethan, Chloe (3), Luke and Maxwell (4).
The balloon went up about 400 ft. We stood and watched our world get smaller and smaller as we got higher and higher. It was a perfect day for it too, so clear. 2. The boys, well actually Ethan and then Luke by default, have been invited to three birthday parties within the past week. Here they are at one extremely fun party at Pump It Up. Thank you, Lauren, for such a fun time! We have another one to go to in a couple weeks and then it will be Ethan's birthday. I wish I could find a group like my friend Jessica found here. I could not believe everything she got for her little Miah's birthday party. I would NEVER find that here in SoCal.
3. Ok, so this is probably the most exciting news I have to share....Sadie got her ears pierced. I took her to the Piercing Pagoda last Friday afternoon. I just couldn't wait any longer. I packed up the boys and left. We got there and I chose her earrings, sat her on my lap so I could hold her arms down, and bang! bang! pierced ears...voila! While I was choosing her earrings the nice lady working there told me "She will cry, Momma." My reply to her was, "I know. I might too so don't worry about us." She did cry. She probably cried for a few minutes. I should have brought a bottle to comfort her with but I didn't. She didn't even want her paci for a couple minutes. I felt like a bad mom but I'm over it. She's fine and I'm glad I did it now. This picture is in the car when we were headed home.
Here she is moments before the earrings went in.
4. Steve and Seegmiller Johnson played soccer this year. They went from being 4th place (I think it was) to winning the tournament in 1st!!! Way to go guys! The kids and I would go to any of the games that were at 7 and cheer our dad and team on. I didn't know how good Steve is at soccer. See what I mean? Another hidden talent Steve chose not to show me. I swear he doesn't want me to know how cool he is....but he's not foolin' me. We can't wait til the next soccer season. I did not take this picture and this is the best I could get the red eye with my VERY limited photoshop skills.
5. I have to say my two cents about Octomom. You may hate me for it. Don't read it if you don't want to know it. I'm so sick of hearing everyone berate her. Come on, people, get over it. Haven't you ever made a stupid mistake? Even a really big stupid mistake? I know I have. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with it but you know what? Who cares? Those 14 kids deserve all the help her mom can be given. Even if she were married she would still need all the help she could get. Stop sending her hate mail and threatening to kill her, that just doesn't help anyone now does it?
6. Sadie is a green monster. I don't mean anything related to St. Patrick's day. She's got boogers galore. They are coming out her nose and they are coming out her eyes! What is going on?
7. Obama's coming to my town. He'll be right around the block from me. Maybe I should go see what change looks like....or something.
8. I went to Kindergarten orientation last week for Ethan. I still can't believe he's going to be in Kindergarten in the fall. I got to tour the school, meet the principal and PTA president. I wasn't very excited about Ethan attending this school for the longest time but I have to admit my attitude is changing. They have this really cool program called Jump Start that they do a couple weeks before school starts. One parent gets to bring their kindergartner to school for a few hours for 4 days. This way they can meet all the teachers and meet all the new students and make some friends. I think its such a smart idea. I think I might have to join the PTA....there's a thought.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sadie's four months

I'm a couple weeks late taking this. Yesterday I was going through her closet and looked at the size on this dress. I had thought it was a six month size but its 3-6 month! Phew, what a relief that I caught it before she outgrew it. If she would have outgrown this without wearing it I would be so sad. She has had a fever for a few days but I think she's over it now. She's a good eater. She drinks 5-6 oz. every 3-4 hours. She screams bloody murder when she's hungry. She is becoming gloriously chubby. I think her ears are ready to be pierced (now that she's over her fever).
She's looking up at her dad who is standing behind me. I ordered these shoes for Sade from Aurelia and Annalise and I can't wait for them to get here!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Bash

I had a spectacular birthday! The day of my birthday Steve took the day off and we played. Sadie got sick so we didn't party too hard but I had fun going out to eat (twice) and seeing the play "Noises Off." Steve wrote a list and gave it to me. Read it and weep (because it made me weep). So I thought that was that and I was happy. Little did I know all the scheming that had been going on. I get this vague note about being taken out on the town for a double date with my sister Ev and her hubby. Ok, sounds innocent right? I call her and tell her she has already given me a gift she doesn't have to do this too. She coyly says she's looking forward to it and needs a date night too. Saturday rolls around and Sadie gets sick. I call Ev and talk about canceling. She tells me its up to me. Then I decide Sadie only has a fever so we're safe. We show up at my sisters house and SURPRISE!!! Its a party....what sneakers. The outdoor decorations were beautiful, especially at night. Coin toss anyone?
Ooooo, she's a hottie.
My parents babysat for us but the kids got to make an appearance at the end of the party. Here they are in their pj's.
So pretty I almost don't want to eat it....almost.
Mmmmm....I'm a kid in a candy store and I can have ANYTHING! Its great to be 30.
It was a carnival theme. We played coin toss, bean bag toss, and jousting. We ate corn dogs, popcorn, buffalo wings, candy, cotton candy, cupcakes and churros (much more). I blew out my candles with candles that never go out. Everyone passed a cupcake around and said something nice about me. I think we will be eating leftover candy until I turn 31. We seriously have grocery bags full of it. Thank you to every one that came, it was SO FUN to see you there. I missed those of you who weren't able to come. Evelyn and Mae, you two are masters of party planning. You also are two of the best sisters, and best friends, a girl could have. Thank you for the party. I love you both.