Thursday, January 22, 2009

While the cats away, the mice will play.

While we were off in St. Martin the boys had the good fortune of staying with Vovo and Cookie (thats her nickname, her real name is Lillian. Don't ask me where she got it from because I don't know. Its been her nickname ever since I've known her.) My mom booked a timeshare in Oceanside and took the boys down after school on Thursday and stayed through Friday. Saturday Cookie was on her own with the two kiddos because my mom was at Landmark. Cookie surprised me with tons of pictures! Luke woke up on Sunday morning asking for Cookie.
Here is Vovo (grandma) walking the boys down the pier to get some treats.
Luke jumping over some waves on Oceanside beach.
Ethan loves to dig. Cookie took the boys to TeWinkle park on Saturday. This is such a cute picture she took!
There is the famous Cookie and the boys. Come back soon, Cookie!
Thank you Mom and Cookie for taking such good care of our little hooligans! I know they had sooooooooooooooooo much fun.

St. Martin and Three months

So we had a great trip to St. Martin. It was too short but fun, at least for me anyway. Steve was in meetings every day from about 9-2pm. Sadie and I had fun hanging out by the pool. I got to get a massage that I am still dreaming about. And we ate some delicious food that I didn't have to cook!! The only bummer is the long plane ride. I can't wait for the day when we can blink and be there.
This is a picture of Steve's favorite dinner of Chilean Sea Bass. He said it was the best fish he's ever eaten. Yum!
Our hotel, the Radisson, was situated in between three mountains. This a picture from the top that James took in the cab as we were heading for the airport to come back home. Beautiful view!
Sadie and I hanging out in the cabana. We got this cabana because the staff noticed we had a baby and offered it to us! So glad Sadie was with us.
This is my favorite meal of the trip, grilled lobster in garlic butter! It was delicious.
We took Sadie for a dip in the jacuzzi, which was more like a warm bath, not really jacuzzi temperatures but with the heat of St. Martin we didn't want it to be.
Striking a pose on the beach...haha.
Steve and I getting ready to go out for the M&L (the name of the group the men were there to meet with) dinner. I don't like this picture of me but oh well.
This picture has nothing to do with St. Martin but I thought I'd stick it in thise post too. Sadie is three months old now. She is growing like a weed! She was the best baby to fly with. She literally slept the ENTIRE time on all the flights to and from. Everyone kept commenting on how they never heard a peep from her. That's how happy she is. My arms were killing me (and maybe thats why my back is killing me now) but it was so cute to look at her cute little face while she was sleeping. Ev got a turn holding her on the flight home too. I think I've said this before but I feel like she's older than three months. Maybe its because she's my third and time just flies now but I do. She loves to suck on her pacifier or her hands, if she finds them. She's pretty tolerant of her brothers constant poking and prodding, kissing and hugging. She smiles a lot and will even giggle every once in a while. We love this little girl.

Monday, January 12, 2009


1. It was one of those days. Denying Luke some gum set him off and this is what we ended up with. (sigh) Makes me wonder if this was one of those battles worth fighting. So I said no to gum and he hits me. Then I have to fight it, its just not acceptable. I tell him to go to time out and he starts running from me screaming "noooo!!!" like I'm about to inflict mortal pain or something. He finally hides under our desk and I have to pull him out and carry him, which is not easy because he weighs like 50 lbs.! He is kicking me while I'm carrying him to his room and screaming at the top of his lungs. I plunk him down on his bed and walk out of the room and close the door. He proceeds to open the door. Repeat three times and finally does it so hard that he puts a hole in the wall. (looooong sigh) I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to shake some sense into him. I wanted to....I won't say. Thankfully I was able to keep my calm. Luke needs yoga or something. He needs to harness his chi. I love this kid, hot temper and all.....
2. We blessed Sadie this weekend. My parents in law and sister and brother in law came down. My SIL made this adorable bow hanger for me. I LOOOOOOOVE it. She also made these precious (did I just say that?) bracelets for Sadie and bows. Oh. My. Goodness. I am in love. Thank you Sherrie for such cuteness. We are so glad you all could make it. We had fun going to the beach and playing with you guys.
Its January and warm enough for these boys to jump in the ocean but these showers were too cold!!
The Whittaker family with Sadie

Jaxon loved holding baby Sadie. Here they are before church.
Sadie in the car seat at the beach.
3. Our Primary presidency is handing out this really cool FHE manual. I'm burning it to cd's to pass out on Sunday (a few weeks late...better late than never right?) as I type this. Check it out here (click on here). 4. Have I blogged about this onesie yet? My sister Mae made this for me after I showed her some etsy sites with some cute stuff. She is so talented. I love this onesie. Its adorable and Sadie is adorable in it. I think I might cry when she outgrows it. Thank you, Mae for your hard work. Sadie and her hippo onesie...soooo adorable. 5. We leave for St. Martin tomorrow morning. Worst case scenarios are running through my head. I can't stop thinking about all the horrible things that could happen during my seperation from my two boys. I keep trying to tell myself that I'm overreacting, everything will be fine, I'll be eating yummy food, relaxing in the sun, having a spa treatment etc. etc. but my mind wanders back to the extreme. Its my worst fear, something happening to my children and I can't get back to them....or being seperated from them during crisis. Which makes me wonder, why don't we have a living will or a plain will yet? Ugh. 6. Luke moved into Primary. He's only been one week but he did great that week. I was so surprised. I thought he would have a hard transition but he did great! Way to go Luke! We love our little Sunbeam. 7. My family came back from Brazil last week. My sisters have posted some awesome pictures of their trip on their blogs here and here. I look forward to going back down there one day. I want to take Steve and the kids and let them see where I spent so much time. Its such a beautiful country. I have so many great memories there. I want my kids to have a few there too. We'll shoot for being there for the World Cup. 8. So the pain when I run isn't going to go away any time soon. The doctor said I have a pulled groin muscle from giving birth. Its kind of like a twisted ankle. You have to stay off of it to let it heal. He said I could keep training unless it gets worse, which it hasn't. It just doesn't get better. Advil and I are going to be close friends.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Templers Flare

Things are getting ugly around here. Ethan and Luke have learned some different fighting styles. Thankfully the hitting tactic is reserved for REALLY ugly times. It starts with screaming and if that doesn't work then it escalates. The screaming is what has changed. When they get angry we commonly hear "Don't talk to me!!!" Or "I'm going away!!!" or "I'm not your brother anymore!!!!" Doors are being slammed, toys being thrown, harsh words spoken. Yikes. Sometimes I don't interfere. I figure, let them work it out. But, on occasion, I have to step in. Like when the "I'm not your brother anymore" gets thrown out. Or, this hasn't happened as often, when "I hate you" is uttered. That one is not acceptable, I just can't tolerate it. Its completely acceptable to not like someone in the heat of the moment, even REALLY not like them. There were plenty of times I didn't like my sisters. If you ask them they will happily tell you of all the times I pinched them (that was my defense mechanism of choice). But I just can't tolerate the I hate yous or the I'm not your brothers. We are family, darn it, and that just doesn't matter what ugliness we display to each other. Some times I just have to laugh when they fight with each other because I can tell its not about the item they are fighting over but the power struggle. Fun times around the Rasmussen household.....never a dull moment...actually, I could use one of those right now. :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1. Our feet. One day Sadie is going to pass me up, I just know it.
2. I was holding Sadie on my lap and decided to try to take picutes of us on my iphone. The quality leaves something to be desired but I still think its cute. I just love her little face. I want to kiss is all day long, aren't those cheeks yummy?
3. Sometimes, after I pick the boys up from preschool we go visit Steve at work. We love to visit Dad at work. Ethan and Luke have fun hitting up the girls for treats and getting all their attention. The boys like to sit on the file cabinet that sits against the big window Steve has in his office and look outside, especially since the office is on the fourth floor. There is a gap between the cabinet and the window is just big enough that they squeeze between in and sit right up against the window.
4. I'm wondering, why did I register for the half marathon again? Why did I register for the training group? What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was pregnant and delirious...that explains it.
5. Jess, I wish I had a million dollars too. Whoever said you can't buy happiness was crazy. Hehe.
6. I got my new bathing suit in the mail yesterday. I want to send it back. Its cute and it fits but I scared myself when I put it on...pass the donuts please.
7. I need to put Christmas away, that makes me sad. Maybe I'll procrastinate it another day.