Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome Baby Eliza!

We are so happy for our good friends Mari and Josh as they welcome the new addition to their family, a baby girl. This is their first family picture. They have waited and prayed long and hard for this little girl. Welcome to the world of parenthood, Mari and Josh! We are so happy for you. We know Eliza is where she is supposed to be.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shake, Rattle and Roll

We experienced all of those today during the earthquake that hit at 11:42am. The epicenter was in the Los Angeles area, it was a 5.8 magnitude. Down here it felt more like a 2 but the chandelier in the dining room was swaying back and forth and the house was shaking. The chair I was sitting in was shaking from side to side. No harm done here though, everyone's fine. My mom had Ethan and Luke at the time. They were coming home from the movies and didn't even feel it! I was calling her over and over to make sure everything was ok but the cell lines were so jammed up. I laughed when I finally got a hold of her and she told me they didn't even know one had hit.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Some Randoms

Has anyone ever tried the Grocery Game? I know of one friend of mine that told me about it a couple years ago but I was wondering if anyone else has any feedback about it. If you don't know what it is you can check it out here. Another question, does anyone have a Maya wrap? Do you like it? Dislike it? Is it better than a Bjorn? Thank you for all the nice compliments about my bump picture. Seriously, I think Anna is magical with her photography because I don't think I look like that normally. Thank you nonetheless. I have the worst heartburn right now. This little girl better have some good hair to make all this heart burn worth it.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bump and list

This is me and baby girl Rasmussen six months along. My spectacular photog sister in law took this picture while we were up at her parent's Mammoth Creek cabin. If you want to see more pictures go here. I still can't believe I'm having a girl. My sister and I stopped in a store this week and I looked at some girly car seat covers. Oh my gosh. They were adorable. I'm not gonna lie but making the transformation from boy stuff to girl stuff is going to be kind of fun. I'm going to have to practice a lot of control so as not to give my dear hubby a heart attack.

Steve and I went to a concert last week with some friends. We saw One Republic. I really like the song "Stop and Stare." Listening to music live is my favorite. We are excited to go see Dave Matthews in a month. Its going to be even more fun because we were given catered box seats! Way to go Steve!

I think my Sacrament meeting program is all done. I had a three hour meeting yesterday with the presidency to get all the parts nailed down and spent the rest of the day getting the final draft together so we can get the Bishop's approval. I probably won't be there for the actual program since my due date is the same day as the program but then again....

I feel like I don't have anything to talk about.....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cabin Fever

We had a great time over the 4th of July with most of the Rasmussen clan up in the mountains of Utah. No one even got sick during the drive or the trip, thats a huge improvement from our last trip to Utah. I finished Eclipse the first day. I'm so excited for the next book! Ethan and Luke fell in love with the four wheelers that Sherrie and Wil brought up. Sherrie and Wil were so patient and willing to take the boys out on rides whenever they asked...which was all the time! We went for a fun nature hike one day, ate delicious dutch oven potatoes and cobbler with ribs for the 4th, played at the river, went fishing, made wood airplanes and boats, flew foam airplanes and hung out with all the cousins and aunts and uncles. It was a blast! Thanks to everyone that made it so much fun. Of course I forgot my camera so I snuck in some last minute pictures from the last four wheeler ride with my phone. Ethan has the helmet and gloves on, which became an immediate necessity from the beginning...he wouldn't ride without them because he saw his cousin Jaxon (who has his own four wheeler) wearing one and his dad and uncle wearing them so he had to be like them. It was so nice to get away from the city and be up in the mountains. Ethan and Luke were so filthy every day...isn't that what childhood is all about?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I need more

I just finished Twilight this morning and I'm like a heroin addict...I need my next hit. I'm anxious, my body has too much adrenaline. I have to know what happens next. I'm going to have to practice patience (remember that I don't have any?) and wait for my dear sister to finish reading it. Oh my....I don't know what I'm going to do. :)