Sunday, August 26, 2007

Six years and counting

Steve and I just celebrated our sixth wedding anniversay this weekend. He took me to downtown San Diego where we stayed in one of the hotels we stayed at during our honeymoon. This picture of our flat tire we got on our way down to San Diego is symbolic of the kind of luck we had during our mini getaway. Its quite comical to us.

We've decided downtown San Diego doesn't like us. It was a great surprise Steve planned with the romantic idea of going back to a place we were at on our honeymoon but it was like the world was against us so things didn't go as well as they should have.
I still can't believe Steve and I have been married six years, its gone by so quickly. We feel like our life together is where we thought it would be by now. We feel incredibly blessed. This is my blog so I can be as cheesy as I want to be (that was your warning) therefore.... I love my husband! I can't imagine anyone better I could have married. I know I was meant to be with him....forever.

Friday, August 24, 2007

not my announcement

Sorry to disappoint some of you but I'm not pregnant. "Wizzle" Williford is my sister Mae's baby she is expecting in January. I don't know where they came up with wizzle (Williford is their last name). Just thought I would clarify. :)

Welcome cute Amerie!

Yesterday my sister Evelyn and her family welcome their second baby girl into their family. They named her Amerie Linda Johnson. She's adorable! She weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Ethan already adores his little cousin. While we were at the hospital visiting he held her three times (with a little adult help) and sang her two songs. It was so cute. Luke just liked the Cheetos we had taken to Aunt Ev....haha. We're enjoying having a baby in the family again and looking forward to little Wizzle Williford coming in January.

Monday, August 20, 2007

potty training

I am happy to say that we are back to potty training. We started yesterday (actually Grandma Powers kind of kick started it while Ethan and Luke were at her house in the morning). I think this time its going to stick. I need to just be consistent. Ethan has had a few accidents but we are rebounding quite nicely. Today he's told me a couple times that he doesn't want to potty train and he wants a diaper on so I've just been reinforcing how good he's doing and that he'll get to wear a diaper at nap time. So far thats working. I thought of taking a picture of the momentous occasion but I've got to draw a line somewhere right? hahaha......

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Trash the dress

The "Trash the dress" pictures Anna and I did are on her website. You can see them at I had a lot of fun, though I now know that modeling is not one of my talents. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

President James E. Faust

I never knew him personally but I never needed to in order to know what kind of man he was, always will be. He was a man of God. The Spirit of God could be felt whenever he was in the room. My family always felt a small bond to him because he served his mission in Brazil and returned often for assignments. I loved to hear him speak Portuguese! As I listen to the funeral services being broadcast on BYU-TV my heart fills with the Spirit testifying that he IS an Apostle of God. What a marvelous thing it is to know that there is a church on the Earth with Apostles of God, just as Christ himself organized when he was on the Earth over 2,000 years ago. I know Christ has organized this church. I know Heavenly Father stands at its head. I know He has called Gordon B. Hinckley to be its Prophet and President. I know the Book of Mormon is scripture, just as the Bible is Holy Scripture. My heart goes out to his family he has left behind. Thank you, President Faust, for all your service.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

the power of 4s

4 favorite songs right now: 1. Sweet escape (Gwen Stafani) 2. Take on me (a-ha) 3. she's everything (Brad Paisley) 4. Come thou fount of every blessing 4 jobs I've had: 1. Counseling and Career Center receptionist 2. Restaurant hostess 3. Mom 4. Temp 4 books I've read recently: 1. Persuasion (Jane Austen) 2. Harry Potter #7 3. For One More Day (Mitch Albom) 4. My Atonia 4 favorite foods: 1. crepes with strawberries and nutella 2. pizza 3. cafe rio salads 4. smoothies 4 websites I visit daily: 1. Gmail 2. Blogs 3. for better and for worse/luann comic strips 4. bank 4 favorite movies: 1. all Oscar Wilde movies 2. The Mirror has two faces 3. Harry Potter movies 4. classics (i.e. Oklahoma, West Side Story, South Pacific etc.) 4 aspirations: 1. to raise my kids to be good people 2. to run another half marathon and shave 3 minutes off my time 3. to become a nurse one day 4. to be remembered as a good person 4 places I'd rather be right now: 1. Italy 2. Hawaii 3. getting a pedicure 4. actually, I'm pretty happy right here too

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Weekend in Vegas

We drove up to North Las Vegas and Mesquite last weekend for baby Alyssa's blessing. It was so much fun to see the family up there; although Steve and I were melting in the heat! Ethan and Luke didn't seem to mind though. They were playing in the backyard with Adam and jumping on the trampoline with Jaxon and Tyler. Their faces were so cute when they would come inside because they were bright red from the heat. We all had a lot of fun spending time with Grandma and Grandpa Rasmussen, cousins and aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters. We are so happy for Wil and Sherrie and think their little daughter is adorable. Sherrie took a picture of each family holding Alyssa and this was ours. I'm think we look good as a family of 5 eh?

I love this picture! Look at all those boys and little Alyssa. Ethan and Luke had a blast playing with all their cousins. They even had a sleep over at Adam and Jake's house, four boys in one room....whoa! From left to right: Luke (2), Ethan (3), Adam (3), Jaxon (7 ?), Alyssa (8 wks.), Tyler (4.5), Jake (11 mos. ?) We missed the rest of the family but hopefully we can see them all some time next year. We don't have to wait too long for a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Rasmussen next week, yippee!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Batman and Superman

Last week Ethan and Luke were pretending to be Superman and Batman, respectively, with blanket capes. They were running around the house "flying." I thought it was so adorable that I asked if I could take a picture and, luckily enough, they obliged. Luke's expression in the picture cracks me up! I definitely think they are boys with super-hero potential...but I'm not biased huh?