Wednesday, April 25, 2007

hit the road jack

We're off to Utah for the rest of the week. My sister's graduating from BYU. There will be more from us when we return. Tchau!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

big is the key word

It seems like the theme for Ethan lately is "big." He got moved into a "big" bed after his third birthday that just passed. He also was given a "big" bike by my parents for his birthday. Notice how we didn't get the chance to take off the bubble wrap before he wanted to ride it. He did pretty good for his first time too. He really liked how all he has to do is push backward on the pedals and the bike stops. But he got a little frustrated trying to start again on his own. When he wants some thing, whether its food or another article of interest to him, he tells us he wants the "big one." There is a bad side to all this big-ness. We decided that since he's such a big boy now, sleeping in a big bed and all that it was time to ditch the paci (aka pacifier). He's not liking this part of the big changes. Here are some pictures of all the big happenings around here. I can't believe Ethan is so big already, it kind of makes me sad. Luke is right on his heels too, wanting to do EVERYTHING his big brother is doing. So far the only aspect of that I'm excited about is that maybe I can potty train them both this summer, wouldn't that be awesome? hahaha.....I can always dream.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Count me in!

Its all Anna's fault. She got the idea of blogging in my head and even suggested I start my own. I was an innocent bystander content with reading Anna's blog and now I've joined the blogging ranks. Here is my first post and our first picture. Its a little old but its got all the key elements, Steve, myself, Ethan and Luke....that's us, The So Cal Rasmussens. :)