Ilgą laiką norėjau užsivesti kokią užrašinukę vaikų kalbos perliukams užrašyti, nes viskas gulėjo telefone. Konkursas Scrapogoliki bloge apie motyvacines citatas įkvėpė mane nedelsiant imtis darbo. Dukrytės perliukai + Mažojo princo citatos - taip gimė šis albumas, į kurį netgi sugebėjau sukišti keletą senų ir tarsi niekam kitam nebetinkamų foto. Vietos dar liko, tereikia palaukti, kol pasipils nauji perliukai :D
I saw a very interesting challenge in Scrapogoliki blog "Motivators". And I could not stop thinking about it. Right now there is the new version of "The Little Prince" on at the cinemas in Lithuania, so the theme of the Little Prince is always on my mind nowadays. The prince and my little daughter - the princess. SO.... I chose the most beautiful and meaningful quotations from the book and used them for my tags. I made 6 tags and I still could not stop thinking about it (LOL) :))
I have always wanted to make an album/ a notebook/ for my daughters personal/ original speech "pearls" - daily phrases that make me laugh. I have been collecting them on the phone, but it is not the best place for such memories. So I made an album and used the tags, I even managed to use some old photos. And... started writing my daughter's sayings/ phrases from our daily family life.
The tags
The album cover
Some pages
As a result it is quite a thick album and it makes me so happy. I hope
my little princess will be happy too, and she will learn something from the Little Prince.
Thank you for visiting and a big thanks to Scrapogoliki girls - my biggest motivators ;)