Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 September 2013

2013 Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt

This summer (particularly whilst on holiday last month in the Isle of Wight) I've been taking part in a Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt devised by Rinda on her blog Gallo Organico

The 21 items on Rinda's blog were to be photographed by 21 September so as we are nearly there I thought now would be a good time to post my photos (no apologies for a photo heavy blog post!). Without further ado, heres my photos so far:

1.   Open air market - Part of the Cowes Food Show showcasing lsle of Wight local food and drink producers

2.   Theatre for performing arts (not a movie theatre) A sundial (substitute) - Sundial at Victoria Fort, Isle of Wight

3.   City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building - Cowes Harbour Commission building (I hope this counts as a civic building)

4.   Airplane - The Red Arrows at the close of Cowes Week

5.   A sunset - Cowes

6.   Someone or something taking a nap - A very snoozy owl having a nap at The Owl & Monkey Haven, Newport, Isle of Wight

7.   A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny - outside a pub in Cowes

8.   A tower - Appley Tower, Ryde, Isle of Wight

9.   A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong - a lost/found mushroom (lip gloss) on the beach at Bembridge. 

10.  A bench that is outsideThe bench at Osborne House in memory of John Brown the Scottish personal servant and favourite of Queen Victoria for many years.

11.  An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc. - Hungry little marmoset having his lunch. at The Owl & Monkey Haven, Newport, Isle of Wight

13.  A fence - Fence at the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary.

14.  A stained glass object or a mosaicPart of a mosaic detailing the history of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, from its foundation in 1135 to the more-or-less present day, situated along the alleyway leading to the castle.

15.  A fire truck or police car - Ride on Trumpton Fire Brigade Engine on Sandown Pier.

16.  A windmill - Bembridge Windmill, Isle of Wight. The only surviving windmill on the Isle of Wight

18.  Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop - Our local pub, The Crown.

19.  A fisherman - Fisherman at Victoria Fort, Isle of Wight.

20. A dinosaur - Wooden model made by my daughter.

I still have a few more photos to find, but hopefully I'll get these photo taken this week:

12.  A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see)
17.  Candle(s)
21.  A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply

NB Unfortunately I didn't manage to photograph the remaining items.