Tuesday, September 24, 2013

6 Month Photo Shoot

Sorry picture overload! Believe it or not, I narrowed this down by about 60 pictures...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Blogging Break

So... I have taken a bit of a blogging break...

Actually, the last time I blogged I was 36 weeks pregnant and Eleanor is now 6 months - so much has happened!

I decided that I am going to start blogging from today on and fill in the gaps in the past when I can. Recommitting!  Back to the blogging world:)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

6 Months

Eleanor at 6 Months:

She is 26.25 inches long (75%) and weighs 15 lb 5 oz (40%).  She is tall and skinny like her Daddy.

I love buying Eleanor clothes so it’s a good thing she fits in her clothes for a long time!  She is mostly in 3-6 month clothes with a bunch of 0-3 still thrown in there.  The 6-12 month clothes seem so big to me so we will see how long it takes her to fit into them!  

She smiles and laughs a lot which is so fun.  She loves to get everyone’s attention while we are out and about. 

She is a rolling machine and will sit unassisted for a short period of time.  She loves to stand up the majority of the time when you hold her.  Her latest favorite thing is trying to walk when you hold her hands.  She think it’s hilarious.   

Her favorite toy is a small maraca that our NYC friend Ciara gave her.  She loves it so much!

She loves the water - bath, pool, splash pad - doesn't matter, she loves it all!

We love Eleanor so much and are having fun seeing her learn new things.  She gets more and more fun everyday!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

36 weeks

Not too much longer!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

34 weeks

Time is going by so fast!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Scott's Photography

We decided for Christmas to get a joint gift for each other.  We bought a Nikon and are excited to learn how to use it.  Scott has been experimenting with it and has taken some cool pictures.  These are all taken from inside our apartment.

Utah Baby Shower

My mom and sisters were very nice and threw me a Baby Shower in Utah!  

My sisters made these invitations - they were very cute! 

 The food table: we had delicious food from Kneaders

My sister in law Marielsy brought these cute centerpieces for the table:


 Our baby girl was very spoiled at the shower.  Thanks again!  
The next time we are in Utah we will be bringing our baby for everyone to meet:) 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

28 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!

As of yesterday I am 28 weeks which means more belly pictures:)  This pregnancy is going by so fast I can hardly believe it.  I went to see my doctor this morning and heard our baby girl's strong heartbeat - so fun!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

24 Weeks

Belly Shots are always awkward... but I want to be able to share this pregnancy with family and friends that I don't get to see regularly :)   I don't take pictures regularly but just random weeks to send to my mom.  Here is the baby belly progress up to where I am now at 24 weeks. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Color Run 2012

I ran the Color Run with my friend Maddie.  Basically it was a 5K, where every 1K they would throw a different color of powder (cornstarch) on you.  It wasn't timed, so it was more of a fun run.  It was fun to do and I'm glad we did it!  Friends/Family in Utah - you should run the race there next month :) 

Here are some pictures:
They said there were 7,000 people running the race.  They started people in waves.  We were in the 2nd wave.
Starting Line
With our bandanna's so we wouldn't inhale the powder along the route
Ready for the run to start
Getting to the finish line

Scott was nice to drive us out to the race and take pictures for us - so I shared my color:)

After the race every 10 minutes, they would have a color party and people would throw more colored powder in the air.