Wednesday, March 3, 2010

lovin it...

So Scotlyn is now walking. She is all over the place!!
She has just discovered that she can stand back up after she falls...she thinks she is pretty cool!!
She cracks me up everyday.Is there anything better than hearing a little one laugh? I have decided that is the best sound in all the world!
Here are just some random pics of life....

Falling asleep in the highchair!
Kissing Henry Bugs...

Getting into trouble!

So we bought a new car this week. I love it. It's nothing too special, but it's not a two door and it's not a stick!!! We got a Honda CRV. I don't have to bend down to put Scotlyn in the car.JOY! We are selling my car, hopefully the guy who is coming to drive it tomorrow will want to buy it. If not I will post pictures and maybe one of you lucky people might want it!!!
PREGNANCY-- I am now 29 weeks. Life is getting a bit uncomfortable. But we are getting way excited. I am still having a hard time not finding out what the baby is, but I can do it!! Any ideas on how to feel more prepared when you don't know the sex?
I just put Scotlyn in her new room- I did the decor in navy blue and pink. I don't love it yet. When I do I will post pictures. It still needs that something special.