Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Keep up people...

Ok- so it's been a while. We are going to do a quick overview.
Life is good.
Life is busy.. oh so busy.
I am not so sure what I was thinking when Scotlyn was 5 months old I should get pregnant again.
Why not?
Well, if any of you are thinking of doing the same thing, give me a call or come on over at about 6 at night, I'll show you why not.
No, it's so fun. They are so stinkin funny.
Scotlyn is a talking fool. She can pretty much say anything. She'll repeat anything. (not so good)
Some of  my favorites that she says-----
if you sneeze, she'll say 'bless you'
if she coughs she says -' momma I okay.'
at night after prayer she automatically gives kisses
When you say I love you- She says- forever
The other night while saying prayers she kept saying  'pray-again-peese.', so we said about 5 prayers!
Today while at the store, she say a man with a cowboy hat on, she got all excited and said
 'look mom, cowboy'.. what? I'm not so sure how she knows that, but pretty funny.

I can't believe she will be 2 next month!

Molli is getting so big... she's pretty chubby!!!
she's almost 8 months. No she's not crawling, she wants nothing to do with it.
She's sitting up, watching her sister. She wants nothing more than to be around Scotlyn.
She is a pretty chill baby.
She started sitting alone only about 2-3 weeks ago.
I haven't updated any of her stats-( not that any of you really care, but it's a good reference for me)
so-- 2 months--ht:25%
4 months--ht:24 in 30%
                  wt:13.12 50%
                      head:40 cm 25%
6 months--ht:26 in. 50%
                  wt:16.11 65%
                       Head:42cm 45%

Moving on... This is the girls playing-- I think in October.
Halloween, Scotlyn playing the my dad's drums.
Sorry, picture wouldn't turn. Molli eating solids for the first time. She LOVED it!!!

That one snuck in there, it was just from the other day.

Thanksgiving day...
Putting up the Christmas tree. Scott told her the lights and the ornaments were cool, so that is what she said every time she walked into the room-- 'cool'.

Christmas Eve---
Christmas morning---

Molli's fav- the wrapping paper. ( she may not look super happy here, but she is!)
Christmas was fabulous. It is so much fun with kids.
We of course had festivus, it was great too.

Scotty graduated!!!!!!!YAY!!!
He graduated in October.  Graduated with his masters, with a 4.0!!!
I am so happy he is done. He worked so hard. And so did I. 
And as for me, I've just been being a mom, and working. Some excited news with work- we are now carrying Bumble and Bumble!! I love it so much.  It is a fabulous product line. I love it so much that I get to go to New York to the House of Bumble.
I will have the opportunity to get fabulous education and become an 'in salon educator'.
We went to an event last night- I am pumped!! I get to go in June.Yay!!!
As for my HAWAII trip- I am well on my way. I am half way there.
If you don't remember the deal( why wouldn't you, don't you keep tabs on everything that is going on in my life?!) My goal is to lose 50 pounds and if I reach that goal Scotty has to take me to HAWAII!!
so far I have lost 25. 1/2 way there!!!
I'm back. Hopefully you will hear from me soon.

My Miss Molli's Blessing Day

We blessed Molli On
It was beautiful. Her daddy gave her the most beautiful blessing. It was really fun.
This is just a few pictures of the great day. I just have to say, yes, I did make her headband and bow!
We had most of our family and friends there, we missed some key people- my Dad, Michael and Josh. they were missed. But here are a few pics of some great friends that came.
If I posted all the pictures- we would be here all day.
So that is just a few.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Park City

So we went to Park City last weekend, just me and Scott.
It was fabulous.
Not that I don't love spending time with my girls,
but it was so nice to get away.

We went to my favorite place in Park City for dinner... Grub Steak.
Now, I am not much of a meat eater,
especially beef.
But this is the best prime rib I have ever eaten!

Before dinner, we went shopping! I love the outlets. We got some killer deals.
This was our best find.
It is just a really nice white button up shirt for Scott.
( he was still sporting some from his mission....7-8 years ago)
yep, you see it right, regularly $99.00
we got it for $2.50!!!!
There were only 2 left, so we got them both!
We stayed at a condo, our door went right out to the pool.
that was nice.
It was so fun! We had such a great time. I already want go again.
For my birthday Scott gave me a Heart Rate Monitor.
I have really been wanting one since I have been working out more.
I really like that it is a calorie counter... He is so good to me!
He also got me something along the same line, I have been researching and wanting it , but wouldn't fork out the money. He got me a BOB DUALLIE STROLLER!! YAY!
We found on KSL for only $140.00!!
Hopefully it keeps me motivated.

This is my miss Molli's favorite place, her swing.
This is SCotlyn's new fav, brushing  her teeth!
She just keeps asking me--
 teeth, teeth peese??
So today we had to speak in church.
It's a love hate relationship.
I don't mind getting up in front of people, but I don't love it when I feel like everyone knows more about the subject then me! So I hope I did ok.
I think it was for me, our subject was LOVE AT HOME.
I learned alot. I just wanted to say how much I love the gospel and how it truly is the center of our lives.
It helps me so much in my everyday life. I am so grateful for a husband who holds the priesthood and helps our family so much.
Have a great Sunday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A few things...

My miss Molli.... Just wanted you to see how cute she is!!!

She is so funny, she is now laughing out loud! She loves anyone who will pay attention to her... I wonder where she gets that? Couldn't be me!!

She just had her 18 mo checkup.
Her stats are
HEAD 90%
She is talking like crazy now. She will pretty much say anything you ask her to. She is still a little hard to understand, but she is getting there. She's still at that age where when she says something everybody just looks at mom to interpret!
I am so sad that summer is almost over, who am I kidding, It's done for me! No more of this...

FOOTBALL STARTED..... nuff said!

Does anyone ever want to be Wonderwoman? I do! Pretty sure she is made up of these 3 women.
Everyday I really want to just do everything.
But I can't... I try, then I get disappointed, then I wish I was like one of these women.
I would love for my house to as clean as my mothers. I try really hard, but it is really hard to keep a little house clean with an 18 month old.
But we keep trying....
I would love to be able to be as creative as my sis. She is so freakin talented it's not even funny. She can look at things and see something she can create, give her 2 hours and it'll be done, hanging on the wall with a new clock( that she made) on some new shelves ( that she made) in her new room that she re-did.
If I could only get started on all my projects that I would love to create. I have so many pieces of furniture, lamps etc ... that I need to get done, but instead, I am trying to clean my house!!!!
And then at the end of the day, I want to be a good wife and cook for my family. This again is not my shinning moment.
I am not the best cook!!
I wish I could cook.
I can cook cookies!
but that doesn't feed the masses dinner.
So I look at Chelsie's food blog and wish that I could do it. I try, sometimes I succeed, sometimes we end up having hot dogs.
I also need to add that all these women have children and are fabulous mothers... How do they do it?
I will find the secret and share it with you....
I left out another piece to the puzzle, she is not in the picture, but it is my other sis in law, HAiley.
I want to be as easygoin as she is. Her house is darling, almost as cute as her son, and she is just so laid back. I need to calm down and take it easy like her.
She is such a hardworker, but doesn't let the dumb things bother her.
There are so many other women who have fabulous qualities that I wish I had, ( I haven't even hit the the Fronk women... tHat will have to another time) I guess I will keep dreaming...
One day
One day....

This is a random picture to end with, but I just love it!!

Oh and by the way, I am well on my way to Hawaii...
I have lost 12 pounds!!! woohoo!

Just wanted to end with.... I LOVE LOVE double nap time.
Thanks for dropping by!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We had such a fun 4th. (or 3rd)
We went to the cherry days parade in the morning, headed over to the park for about 2 minutes,then Scotlyn threw a major fit, then went home for a nap!
After she woke up and was happy again, we played at the Fronks. We always have a big water day. But it was kinda chilly, so only the diehards played in the water... I was not one of them!

So when Scotlyn wakes up from her nap and we ask her if she is happy again, she just says happy happy happy happy over and over. Cracks me up.

random, but back to our 4th....

after water and Souvlaki(which is pretty much to die for) at the Fronks, we went up to Weber High with the Toyns for the fireworks. Scotlyn loves hangin out with all her cousins.So she had a way fun day. Molli is a champ, she pretty much just chills, and then when she is done with that, she sleeps.
As you will see in these pictures, my kid does not stop eating, she loves it. No matter what it is, peppers, avacado(that is smashed up for Camden), cookies, rice cereal(once again made for Camden, and that is made with Chelsies breast milk!!!) ANyTHIng!!

Dad and Scotlyn....eating at the fireworks

Eating at the fireworks.... My Miss Molli

Eating at the Fronks....

Eating at the parade....

Waiting for someone to throw her something to eat....

We had a fabulous 4th. It was so fun. Thanks to our fams that make it so fun...

Well Scott is old and he had his 10 year reunion last week.... Ok so he is not old, but kinda!:)
We had a good time. I pretty much just sat there with the other wives, we had fun. Good people watchin. I didn't even really see Scott, he would take one step and another person would want to talk to him. This happened for hours, so I just gave up trying to stay by him. I'm probably a bad wife, but I didn't know any of the people, and if any of you know Scott, he reminisced about old times from 6th grade!!!He was crackin me up, he asked a girl if she remembered him being mean to her in 6th grade, and then he proceeded to tell her how sorry he was.! She looked at him like, I don't remember that, but thanks I guess! HA!
I kinda felt like a politicians wife, I just stood there and smiled! So this is us that night....

Ok so now for a totally different subject.
HAWAII... No I have not gone. But I will.
SO this is my goal, I figure if I put it out here for my little world to see I will be more apt to doing it.... So I asked Scott if he would take me to Hawaii if I lose 50 pounds!
So 5o Pounds by Next Year...
So I joined Weight Watchers. I am going to do it! If any of you have any suggestions for me or have any good work out plans, anything... Share the wealth.
With weight watchers, since I am nursing, I get 41 POINTS!!! That is ALOT of points! I have a hard time eating all of them. But hey that is the kind of 'diet' I like! Week one I lost 3 lbs... hopefully I can keep it up.
I even started a Hawaii fund that will automatically come out my account. Hopefully all of these thing will motivate me to really do it.
Speaking of nursing, Molli is a great eater for me, but she HATES the bottle. I have tried different types of bottles, nipples everything. She still hates it. So I feel horrible when I go to work and she screams for whoever is trying to feed her. I know a lot of you are moms out there, HELP ME PLEASE!! I am not sure what to do.
By the way... she is sleeping through the night!! I forgot to post that, that is more just for me to remember. She did at about 6 weeks. She was not as consistent as Scotlyn, but she is doing great now.
K I am done with my rant and randomness....
Thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Lovin...

This is a mish mash of our trip to Cali.
We had so much fun. We went with the Toyn clan. So first of all, Thanks Mom and Dad, we had a blast.

Aren't they so cute?!?
Now for the recap...

We went to Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea world and of course the beach.
Scotlyn loved it all. She loved being with her cousins and grandparents everyday. I think I traumatized her of the car. She would cry when I would open the car door.

We drove to Vegas and stayed the night. Then we drove to Cali the next day. I was really worried about the kids in the car, but thank you technology and thank you Elmo, you saved us. Molli hates her car seat. But if we were moving, we were ok. So the traffic, not so good. But all in all no big problems.

While we were there, I think my kid ate California out of meat. She LOVES it. One night, right before bed she climbed up the chair, sat up to the table and said 'meat,please'. What one year old just wants meat? She's a weirdo!

This first day we went to Universal Studios. Woody Woodpecker was the first character we saw. I have a picture of me when I was little with him, so I thought it would be fun to have one with Scotlyn. We walked up to him and the closer we got, the tighter she clenched. He was playing peek-a-boo with her and when he turned his head he hit her with his beek. She FREAKED!! was hilarious! I posted the video below...

While we were there Molli smiled for the first time. It was so precious.

Sea world...
The sea lions kept barking for food, I think Scotlyn was confused because they sounded like the dog.

This picture was hilarious, Scott took Chel and Brandon's camera and played paparazzi! This was taken through a garbage can!

This is at Sesame Street Land.. She was so smitten with the shooting water!

We went on an Elmo ride that she was so excited about it. But when the ride started to move she just said 'out ,peease, out out out' the whole ride!

She HAtes the characters!

She loves Elmo, just from a far. Look closely at this picture, there is a random little girl who just loved Elmo and snuck in the picture. She was missing for 15 minutes before they found her mom who didn't even know she was gone. WHAT? how do you not know your 3 year old is missing?

Scotlyn LOVED the beach. I think it was her favorite. She would stand and watch the tide go in and out. When it would go out, she would wave and say bye bye!

Again with the shooting water...

Toon Town...

This is how we felt at the end of everyday!!


Miss Molli...
She did so good. She pretty much just slept the whole time.

My miss Molli again...

Like I said, she hates the characters! and yes I am a terrible mom because I think it's hilarious.

My daughter is fearless with water, she loved swimming.Who watches Scrubs?......... Guy Love!

She loves Camden. Maybe a little too much.

Ready for a day in the sun...

Now enjoy the video of me traumatizing my child....