Ok- so it's been a while. We are going to do a quick overview.
Life is good.
Life is busy.. oh so busy.
I am not so sure what I was thinking when Scotlyn was 5 months old I should get pregnant again.
Why not?
Well, if any of you are thinking of doing the same thing, give me a call or come on over at about 6 at night, I'll show you why not.
No, it's so fun. They are so stinkin funny.
Scotlyn is a talking fool. She can pretty much say anything. She'll repeat anything. (not so good)
Some of my favorites that she says-----
if you sneeze, she'll say 'bless you'
if she coughs she says -' momma I okay.'
at night after prayer she automatically gives kisses
When you say I love you- She says- forever
The other night while saying prayers she kept saying 'pray-again-peese.', so we said about 5 prayers!
Today while at the store, she say a man with a cowboy hat on, she got all excited and said
'look mom, cowboy'.. what? I'm not so sure how she knows that, but pretty funny.
I can't believe she will be 2 next month!
Molli is getting so big... she's pretty chubby!!!
she's almost 8 months. No she's not crawling, she wants nothing to do with it.
She's sitting up, watching her sister. She wants nothing more than to be around Scotlyn.
She is a pretty chill baby.
She started sitting alone only about 2-3 weeks ago.
I haven't updated any of her stats-( not that any of you really care, but it's a good reference for me)
so-- 2 months--ht:25%
4 months--ht:24 in 30%
wt:13.12 50%
head:40 cm 25%
6 months--ht:26 in. 50%
wt:16.11 65%
Head:42cm 45%
Moving on... This is the girls playing-- I think in October.
Halloween, Scotlyn playing the my dad's drums.
Sorry, picture wouldn't turn. Molli eating solids for the first time. She LOVED it!!!
That one snuck in there, it was just from the other day.
Thanksgiving day...
Putting up the Christmas tree. Scott told her the lights and the ornaments were cool, so that is what she said every time she walked into the room-- 'cool'.
Christmas Eve---
Christmas morning---
Molli's fav- the wrapping paper. ( she may not look super happy here, but she is!)
Christmas was fabulous. It is so much fun with kids.
We of course had festivus, it was great too.
Scotty graduated!!!!!!!YAY!!!
He graduated in October. Graduated with his masters, with a 4.0!!!
I am so happy he is done. He worked so hard. And so did I.
And as for me, I've just been being a mom, and working. Some excited news with work- we are now carrying Bumble and Bumble!! I love it so much. It is a fabulous product line. I love it so much that I get to go to New York to the House of Bumble.
I will have the opportunity to get fabulous education and become an 'in salon educator'.
We went to an event last night- I am pumped!! I get to go in June.Yay!!!
As for my HAWAII trip- I am well on my way. I am half way there.
If you don't remember the deal( why wouldn't you, don't you keep tabs on everything that is going on in my life?!) My goal is to lose 50 pounds and if I reach that goal Scotty has to take me to HAWAII!!
so far I have lost 25. 1/2 way there!!!
I'm back. Hopefully you will hear from me soon.