Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Here's some pictures from the past couple months.
Logan's best buddy, cousin Westin

Logan says they're ready to go!

Our new toy!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Little G's 1st Birthday

Grayson turned 1 at the end of February. After a month and a half I still can't believe it. I'm getting a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes just thinking about how fast he's growing up. Scott's parents were in town so we just had a little family party while they were here.  I decided to make him a lion cake.  Grayson seriously loved all the attention on him and surprisingly handled his little 3 layer cake like a pro.  I wonder where he gets that from.   

This face absolutely kills me.  He is not messing around.

I should probably give an update on my little man.  He can say dada, mama, hi, dog, and all done (this one in sign language).  He loves giving kisses and hugs to mom, dad, and Logan.  After standing up in the middle of the room and taking random steps for months, at 13 months he decided to walk.  I left the house for 15 minutes and when I came back, Scott had him walking.  I couldn't believe I, who am with him all day every day, missed his very first official steps.  Scott said he was so excited that he was literally cracking up as he was walking the first few times.  Grayson is super happy and easy going.  He is also super busy.  I have decided that 1 year olds are much more work than 2 or 3 year olds, however much sweeter and easier to get along with.  He's into everything and climbing on top of everything.  He follows Logan everywhere and tries to do everything he does.  I know.  I'm in trouble.  He loves food and will pretty much eat anything I put in front of him, which I'm shocked about considering how picky he was when he first started eating.  He loves throwing things and has quite an arm on him.  Literally everything is his ball.  Every meal time makes me cringe.  Food gets thrown everywhere.  I literally have to vacuum and either mop or spot clean after every meal and snack.  Unlike Logan, he loves being messy and dirty so my need for cleanliness is slowly getting worn down as I attempt to preserve my sanity.  His favorite place to be is outside in the dirt.  He loves balloons and dogs and he can spot either a mile away.  He also loves to dance and can be entertained with music for a very long time.  If he's upset or can't sleep, all I have to do is sing and he immediately calms down.  He is definitely a mama's boy and when he's tired or upset, only mama can make him feel better.  We just love the pieces out of him.  His sweet face just melts my heart.  I can hardly stand it.  We're so blessed to have him in our lives.

Happy New Year!

For New Years we had a pretty low key evening. We got a babysitter so we could go out to dinner with some friends. Then we just came home to put the kiddos to bed and our friends came over later to ring in the new year. We ended up playing some games, eating some more, and playing with sparklers and flashlights.

Yes, that is 2012 and Alicia backward in sparklers.  Woohoo!  We really got crazy once midnight hit.

Christmas in OK

This year for Christmas we went to Oklahoma. Like an idiot, I didn't take hardly any pictures of us with any of our friends or family while we were there. I seriously am kicking myself for not being better at documenting my life. Anyway, I pretty much fall in love with Oklahoma all over again every time I go back. There's nothing better than that good ole southern hospitality. Life is slower, simpler, and much yummier there. Plus, you can't go anywhere without seeing tons of people sporting their Sooner gear and anyone wearing Sooner gear is an instant friend so I always feel right at home.   Anyway, we mostly just spent our time visiting friends and family. On top of it being the holidays when delicious treats are everywhere, we had to hit up all my favorite places to eat and have mom make all my favorite foods. And for some reason, I subconsciously feel like I have to eat more than my fair share since I only have 10 days to take it all in. I inevitably end up being at least 5 pounds heavier by the time I leave every time we visit and it's worth every pound if you ask me.
This year we had a few Christmas gatherings.  First, we got together with all the cousins and family on my dad's side.  We had it at this gorgeous law office that my cousin Amber's boyfriend works at.  We had a delicious catered meal from Ted's Mexican restaurant (another one of my favorites), took some professional pictures some of which you can see here, heard some stories, and opened presents.  It was definitely the fanciest Christmas our family had ever experienced.  It was really fun getting all the kids together to play and all of us cousins getting together and hear embarrassing stories of each other.  We're all getting so old.  Here's a few pictures I have from that evening.  Matching outfits courtesy of Nana of course.  

I pretty much don't have any pictures from Christmas or Christmas Eve which is just ridiculous but we spent it with Granny G and Aunt Sue and then later with more friends.  We played games, made sugar cookies, and ate TONS of food and sweets.  Scott always starts feeling sick after eating so much there but to me it feels like I'm just getting wrapped up in a nice warm blanket.  Anyway, we had so much fun just hanging out together.  Every time the boys go to Oklahoma, you'd think no one there had ever seen a cute kid before.  They get so much love and attention and are just spoiled absolutely rotten.

Here's some pictures at my Aunt Diana and Uncle Bill's house.  Logan absolutely loves it there.  They have a tractor and chickens.  Enough said.
The boys love Jared, of course.  He seems to have enough energy to keep up with them for hours. 
Every single time I see this next picture I crack up.  Jared was doing a great impression of Grayson throwing a fit for having to take yet another picture.

I should really see if anyone in my family got some better pictures cause I don't hardly have any but here's two more random pictures.

Logan has been begging to go back to Nana and Papa's house since we left.  He insists it's not too far away if we just ride a plane there.  He's no dummy.  Once again my heart breaks that he's not closer to family and that we can't just go over whenever we want.  We had a great time and were so sad to leave.

Family Pictures

The Pobsts took our family pictures this year as usual. Here are some of our favorites. Yeah, there are a lot. Each one captures another part of the boys' personalities.

Christmas in HB

For FHE one night we went over to our friends, the Evan's, house to make gingerbread houses and play "Dirty Santa" or what people out here call "White Elephant." There were kids, babies and adults everywhere. I think maybe 23 of us in total. It was loud and fun and full of sweets. It doesn't get much better than that. Anyway, you get all those people in one little apartment during flu season and you end up with an epidemic. Literally within 24 hours people started dropping like flies. Everyone but 1 person ended up puking. Logan and I were the sickest in our family and I have to say it was the sickest I've been since I brushed my teeth with water from Mexico 6 years ago (oops!). Anyway, we survived and believe me I wasn't sure we would. There's nothing worse than a toddler and a baby puking everywhere without any warning while you are pretty much feel like death yourself. Luckily Scott didn't get it until about a week later so he could at least help while the rest of us were sick.  Here we are before we were 15 lbs lighter 

The next Saturday we had planned to make lunches to take to some homeless people.  We woke up, everything normal and finally over our sicknesses.  I started making the sandwiches and packing the lunch bags.  We loaded them and a bunch of water in the car and then it hit Scott.  The nasty stomach virus had hit!  I decided I'd just feed the homeless myself so I left Logan home with Scott to take a nap and headed to a park I was told homeless people hang out.  I was a little nervous since I had no idea what I was getting myself into but it was the middle of the day and the park is very public so I wasn't too worried.  As soon as I pulled up I went to unload my big box of lunches and one of the men came running over asking if he could help me.  He asked if I'd brought clothes and I said "No, maybe I should have thought of that.  I brought lunch instead.  You hungry?"  Oh he was so excited. He helped me unload everything and called over all his friends.  I had made 20 lunches and all but 1 were gone in about 2 minutes.  They were all so nice and so thankful.  I felt kind of stupid with my sandwiches, chips, fruit and water and wished I had brought them steak or something but you'd have never known it wasn't steak.  Many of them looked just like you or me.  Not dirty, hairy, or talking crazy.  Just homeless and hungry.  It made me wonder how they got in that situation and I wished I could have done more.  On my way home, I saw another man and called him over to the car and gave him my last lunch bag.  I'm so glad I did it and I'm sad Scott didn't get to come with me.  I prayed and prayed I didn't make them sick with the food we gave them.  We've decided to make it a regular thing.  We don't have much but we are very blessed and even though sack lunches aren't much, at least it's something. 
That night was our Ward Christmas pajama party.  It was quite the event.  They had all kinds of performances, good food, Santa, family picture station, a live nativity, and a picture station.  It was super chaotic being just me and the boys but we made it and I even got a couple pictures. The primary did a nativity with songs and reading of the Christmas story.  I signed Logan up to be in it and he was a cow.  The cutest cow I've ever seen if you ask me. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and once again, I was sad Scott missed it.