Sunday, April 7, 2013

Maiden Voyage

Spencer says we should name her the Jolly Roger.  We got an awesome deal on this beauty and I have a feeling many hours of fun will be had thanks to her.  After a long cold winter I am so looking forward to summer in our house.  Along with that comes yard projects (photo brag coming soon) playing in the yard and spending time down at the lake.  Now we just need to invest in some life jackets so the neighbors don't judge us as negligent parents.

This girl knows how to work the camera!

I have way too many cute pictures of this girl. She is such a happy baby and gives out smiles so freely I just can't get enough.  

 Even after her first attempt at solid foods with her face covered in goo she is still adorable.

She is our family model.  Here is her photo shoot with our new living room furniture.

Great Grandpa makes these cute little jewelry boxes for all of the baby girls.  Since she lived under the same roof as Grandpa Egan for the first couple weeks of her life I think she ended up with a special place in his heart.  They seem to like each other.

Its happening way too fast.  6 months old already.