Owen has this problem. He always has to poop right around nap time and most days lately he is forgoing the nap altogether. So today since he played hard this morning and then went poop right before his nap I knew we were in the clear for him to have a good nap. Well, after he had been in bed for about 2 minutes he came out and said he needed to go potty. I told him no, that he just went and he didn't need to go and told him to go get back in bed. He did as he was told and was quiet for about 5 minutes when my phone started to ring so I answered it and snuck out to the van to talk so I wouldn't wake him up. After talking to Scott for a couple minutes I opened the door to listen for Owen and didn't hear anything so I decided to call and talk to my mom. 30 minutes later I paid for it.
I came in from the garage and as I was about halfway up the stairs I noticed Owen's door was open and just then the smell hit me. I found Owen with his pants off, poop everywhere and poop smeared wads of toilet paper all over the floor. Owen just looked up and me and said, "I clean it up."
The poor kid had smeared the mess all over himself, the rugs, the toilet and the floor. I wiped him off with wipes and then put him in the bath so I could clean up the mess. As he sat there watching me work he looked at me and said, "I tell you I need to go potty and you say NO!" Yep, this one is on me. I just wonder how long he was in there "cleaning it up."