Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Dodging" for apples

I'm not sure where Spencer even heard about bobbing or "dodging for apples as he says it but he was adamant that we do this for family home evening.

He loved it.

Scott was compliant

Owen never really got the no hands thing but was happy to eat apples.

I Hope They Call Me on A Mission

It's official, my Mom and Dad will be leaving January 30, 2012 to serve a two year mission in San Diego California which coincidentally is the same exact mission Scott served in 8 years ago. Since their call I have been thinking a lot about the sacrifice that this is for them and yet they don't see it that way because it has always been part of their plan. They are such an example to me of service and willingness to turn their life over to the Lord. It won't be easy and there are lots of details to work out but their faith is great and I know they will be blessed...and missed. I guess this is their way of retiring to San Diego.

We have had some awesome sister missionaries in our ward and we have loved getting to know them. They made these cute missionary badges for the boys. It's hard enough to send my parents off for two years and I can't even begin to imagine what that will be like when it's my boys. Until then look how cute he is.