Sunday, September 25, 2011


Since I did a post about how awesome my kids dad is it's only fair that I do one in honor of their mother as well.

The other day we weren't having a very good morning. We were late trying to get out the door to meet a friend at a children's farm and my boys were being less than cooperative. Just as I get everything gathered to go I realize Owen needs a diaper change...ugh. So, I change his diaper and then realize I can't find his shoes.

I never swear. Really I don't. But I had reached my breaking point and I say, "Owen where are your damn shoes." Totally frustrated I stomp out to the car and put him in his car seat and realize his flip flops are in the car. Phew, I grab the shoes and start shoving his feet in when Owen says, just as innocently as possible, "Mommy, me no want my damn shoes, me want my blue shoes."

I totally lost it laughing. Then of coarse I felt a little guilty especially since my sweet little Owen for the next few days believed his flip flops were called damn shoes. That has since been corrected and I am again in the running for mother of the year. I am awesome.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My dad's cooler than your dad

Scott is such a great dad. I know this and I am thankful for him but sometimes I don't always appreciated it as much as I should. He comes home from work and plays baseball with our boys and before you know it it's like every boy on the neighborhood is in your backyard.

I can only hope our boys are as talented as he is. This is one of their jam sessions. Spencer and Owen came up with the drum on their own and our house was rockin.

Making the famous Miller chocolate chip cookies.

Yeah, he is pretty awesome...just sayin.