The other day we weren't having a very good morning. We were late trying to get out the door to meet a friend at a children's farm and my boys were being less than cooperative. Just as I get everything gathered to go I realize Owen needs a diaper change...ugh. So, I change his diaper and then realize I can't find his shoes.
I never swear. Really I don't. But I had reached my breaking point and I say, "Owen where are your damn shoes." Totally frustrated I stomp out to the car and put him in his car seat and realize his flip flops are in the car. Phew, I grab the shoes and start shoving his feet in when Owen says, just as innocently as possible, "Mommy, me no want my damn shoes, me want my blue shoes."
I totally lost it laughing. Then of coarse I felt a little guilty especially since my sweet little Owen for the next few days believed his flip flops were called damn shoes. That has since been corrected and I am again in the running for mother of the year. I am awesome.