About 7 years ago I made a goal to do a triathlon. I swam a little in high school and I enjoy running and I was pretty sure I could still ride a bike so why not. Well year after year went by and every summer that I wasn't pregnant I would think about it and even research the different tri's in the area and then I would chicken out. There was always some excuse either not having a bike or not having a place to swim or whatever. One summer I convinced myself that I was going to do one and then immediately started having nightmares were I was in the race and got out from the swim and realized that I forgot my bike. It didn't happen that summer.
I started swimming with the masters team at The YMCA about 6 months ago and through the encouragement of some of the girls there decided that I was going to do it this year and this time I finally did. Check that one off the bucket list, although it was so awesome that I might need to do a few more.
The night before race day I decided to go out for one last short ride on the bike to make sure everything was adjusted right. My awesome neighbor who is about my height and has a way nicer road bike than me let me use his so I just wanted to make sure I was comfortable. Sure enough as I was coming to an intersection my foot got stuck in the strap and I tipped over and ended up riding home with a bloody knee. In case you are wondering this was my third crash in the three months I have been training on the bike so obviously that area needs some work.
I was so nervous I couldn't fall to sleep until after 11:00 pm and then at 1:00 am Scott and I woke up to a horrible storm ragging outside. I thought for sure the race was going to be cancelled and I laid awake until about 3:00 am stressing about it. At 4:30 my alarm went off and Scott and I loaded the boys in the van and headed for Topeka. Luckily the storm cleared out just in time for the race and all was well.
Yeah, that would be a nervous smile.
If that big red thing wasn't there you could see that most of that pack is behind me...just sayin.
Time in the water: 5:50
Time on the road: 49:26
The run felt good after I got my legs going . It always feels so weird to run after biking and it took about 1/4 of a mile to get in rhythm and the rest was great.
Total race time: 1:27:26