Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Topeka Tin Man Triathlon

About 7 years ago I made a goal to do a triathlon. I swam a little in high school and I enjoy running and I was pretty sure I could still ride a bike so why not. Well year after year went by and every summer that I wasn't pregnant I would think about it and even research the different tri's in the area and then I would chicken out. There was always some excuse either not having a bike or not having a place to swim or whatever. One summer I convinced myself that I was going to do one and then immediately started having nightmares were I was in the race and got out from the swim and realized that I forgot my bike. It didn't happen that summer.

I started swimming with the masters team at The YMCA about 6 months ago and through the encouragement of some of the girls there decided that I was going to do it this year and this time I finally did. Check that one off the bucket list, although it was so awesome that I might need to do a few more.

The night before race day I decided to go out for one last short ride on the bike to make sure everything was adjusted right. My awesome neighbor who is about my height and has a way nicer road bike than me let me use his so I just wanted to make sure I was comfortable. Sure enough as I was coming to an intersection my foot got stuck in the strap and I tipped over and ended up riding home with a bloody knee. In case you are wondering this was my third crash in the three months I have been training on the bike so obviously that area needs some work.

I was so nervous I couldn't fall to sleep until after 11:00 pm and then at 1:00 am Scott and I woke up to a horrible storm ragging outside. I thought for sure the race was going to be cancelled and I laid awake until about 3:00 am stressing about it. At 4:30 my alarm went off and Scott and I loaded the boys in the van and headed for Topeka. Luckily the storm cleared out just in time for the race and all was well.

Yeah, that would be a nervous smile.

Can you say farmer tan?

As I stood on the beach waiting for the horn I just kept thinking, " I can't believe I am about to do this. I have no idea what I am doing here." Then the horn blew and into the water I went. I am in there somewhere.

If that big red thing wasn't there you could see that most of that pack is behind me...just sayin.
Time in the water: 5:50
Putting socks on while wet and standing after just swimming hard isn't as easy as it looks.

Time to hit the road.
The bike was definitely my weakest leg of the race but I expected that. A few miles out I started getting sick of how many people were passing me and my competitive side kicked in. It was fun.
Time on the road: 49:26

The run felt good after I got my legs going . It always feels so weird to run after biking and it took about 1/4 of a mile to get in rhythm and the rest was great.

Run time: 27:53

Total race time: 1:27:26

I was on a total high by the time I was finished. It was so much fun and I guess it made me feel cool.

They were so cute cheering me on and I am so glad my little family was there to share that with me.
So now I have a problem. I am going to want to do more of these.

Fun in the sun, heat and humidity.

Here in Kansas it has been hot and humid for awhile now some days all we want to do is swim or stay inside and other days we get a little more adventurous and brave the heat and bugs...oh the bugs.

Spencer got this pool for his birthday and it was a little bigger than we thought it was going to be but every inch has been thoroughly enjoyed.

The sidewalk chalk rarely is used on the sidewalk.
Geocaching near lake Jacomo. Spencer thought it was so fun searching for the hidden treasures and even when Scott took him into some pretty dense woods he was quite the little go getter. Owen and I stayed out of most of the really crazy stuff...again the bugs, ugh.

Post dinner slip and slide.

Owen didn't seem interested in getting wet so I just left him in his normal clothes. I should know him better than that by now.
We have a great little lake with a path around it and a playground that is within walking distance from our house. We love it. Not a bad shot for the auto timer huh.

I love the heat and I even love the humidity and I LOVE playing outside with my boys but I do not love chiggars, mosqitoes or ticks. All of which we have had this summer.

Spencer's 5th

After almost a full year of being 4 1/2 My Spencer boy finally turned five!
He had his birthday cereal choice picked out months in advance and did not even hesitate when we went to the store to pick it out.
Time for some serious ball!
He was thrilled with the helmet before he even realized a bike would go with it.
Nice form boy.
The debut ride.
We had a small pirate birthday party to celebrate and Spencer had a blast with two of his favorite little buddies.

And in case you were wondering he is already 5 1/2.

Farewell Nebraska Miller's

We had an awesome Memorial Day weekend with Nate and his family. They have been just 4 hours away and we have loved spending holidays and long weekend with them over the last year. Now a job change takes them back to Utah and we will miss them sooooo much.

While we were there we drove up to Ashfall Fossil beds. It was a totally new landscape and a beautiful day to roam the plains. The fossils were cool too.
Spencer got a pre-birthday party and finally got that elusive pillow pet, Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Miller.
Mae's tasty cupcakes seem to have gained Owen's approval.
Lovin' Grandpa
It was hard to say goodbye. Why did that last weekend have to be so fun. We love you guys and hope those Utards are as nice to you as us mid-westerners.
P.S. Mae send me your pictures of the races...thanks.

Spencer Miller Miller

Spencer finished preschool at Timber Creek Elementary. He was a peer model and had such a wonderful class and teachers. That little boy loves school and can't wait until he gets to go 5 days a week instead of 2.

I was able to come for field day and figured out why I was loosing the name battle at home. You see whenever I call Spencer by his full name he corrects me and tells me he doesn't want to be Spencer Scott Miller but that he likes Spencer Miller Miller better. I have tried and tried to tell him how cool his middle name is because it was my last name before I married Daddy and it's his Daddy's name. No luck. Well, as I walk in the door with Spencer one of the aids comes over and gives him a high five and says, "Hi Spencer Miller Miller." Every teacher called him that and informed me that he has requested that they call him that. They all thought it was funny so they complied.

When their little class went on a field trip to the local grocery store Spencer was walking around singing the stores jingle. His teacher thought he was so funny and even went and got the Manager so Spencer could sing it to him. Like father like son. "Price Chopper, fresher ways to save!"
Spencer is such a smart little guy and totally ready to take on Kindergarten. He loves to learn and is already starting to read. I sure love that Spencer Miller Miller.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Worst Bath Ever

This must be documented because I will probably be able to laugh about it later. As Spencer and Owen were taking their bath this morning and playing together delightfully I ran downstairs to use the restroom. Within seconds I hear Spencer get out and sit on the toilet. Seconds later Owen starts screaming and then I hear splashing and...thud. At this point I was done and come running up the stairs to find Owen naked on the floor crying and Spencer, finishing what he accidentally started in the bath, on the toilet. Poop was all over in the water so I start draining the bath. Spencer finishes his business and realizes there is no toilet paper so he gets some from under the sink at which time he accidentally drops the new roll into the toilet that has not yet been flushed. Owen is still crying so I turn on the shower and give him a quick scrub down and then get him out and wrapped up warm and happy in his towel. Then it's Spencer's turn so I tell him to get in the shower at which point he starts crying because he wanted a bath. My patience is about shot at this point and I tell Spencer to just get in the shower. As he steps in he slips an hits his head on the tub. He is now past crying and in a full scream. This scares Owen who joins him with his best scream. I am holding Spencer trying to calm him down and make sure he is okay and he is yelling at me because he is convinced that I made him fall. After he is calmed Owen gets a little love and he is fine. Spencer gets in the shower again and I turn on the water which has gone cold and Spencer loses it again. Finally, it warms enough that I help him with a fast wash and I have two clean boys ready for the day. Ugh.
Seriously, what a way to start my Thursday. Now it's my turn to shower. Wish me luck.