One of the great things about living in Kansas is that we are so close to many church history sites. Last week we met up with Scott's oldest brother and his family in beautiful Nauvoo.
The wagon ride was one of my favorite parts of the trip. It was cold and rainy but we wrapped up in warm quilts and rode through the woods and over a stream as these beautiful horses pulled the wagon and a missionary told us stories about old Nauvoo.
We stayed in some great little log cabins which made the trip feel a little more authentic. Spencer thought the bunk beds were awesome and add some fun cousins and you've got kid heaven.
Scrub down old school style. It was surprisingly comfortable, for me anyway. Scott may say otherwise.
The life of the early saints of the church is truly remarkable. They sacrificed so much because they knew the church was true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. If that meant leaving their homes and comforts to serve a mission or cross the Mississippi in February to face the unknown west and suffering hardships that we will probably never understand they did it willingly. The last night as Scott was getting the boys ready for bed I walked the "trail of hope." It was foggy and I was alone but as I read the accounts of the pioneers and tried to imagine what they felt as they left this city that they loved I was in awe of the strength these saints possessed. I only hope that I endure my trials with as much faith as they did.
It was a wonderful vacation and I am so glad we got to spend it with the Nebraska Millers.