Sunday, February 13, 2011

Number 2 turns 2

We had a fun day as a family celebrating Owen's second birthday. On the way home from the Y we stopped and picked up some balloons. They were kind of a hit as you will notice in the following pictures.

On their birthdays we let the boys pick any cereal they want. Thanks for stepping in and helping out Spence so we didn't end up with peanut butter cereal (yuck)

The train obsession continues as we continue to facilitate it.
He's growing up too fast, and is usually going too fast for me to remember to just slow down and enjoy this cute little guy.
I love how he makes me laugh everyday with his expressive little face and funny antics.
He loves to wrestle and if you are on the floor you are fair game.
He loves to "wa" (draw) and will doodle as long as I keep the pages coming.
He loves trains of all kinds but especially Thomas.
He loves his brother and dad but is totally a mama's boy.
He loves giving kisses and does it often which I love and when he gets sad in the car he likes to hold my hand.
I love my little Owen Jack.

Snow Fun

Sorry, another playing in the snow post. A little repetitive yes but these moments needed to be documented.

The issue of Owen not wearing gloves still hasn't been resolved so the other day I dressed Spencer up nice and warm, considering it was about 25 degrees outside, and told him he could go play in the snow by himself since he had been asking all day long. Owen and I hung out in the living room where we could watch him out the window. I figured Spencer would last about half an hour and come in when he got cold. This pictures was taken after about 2 hours. He finally came in when it was getting dark and really cold. By the way, that night he ate his dinner like a champ and slept like a rock. Ahhh the benefits of good clean fun.

The next day Scott and Spencer spent the afternoon building this beauty. Spencer's dad is the coolest!
He looks so happy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days

I was thinking we found a pretty good hiding place from the snow here in Kansas when we didn't see a single flurry they whole month of December but the snow finally found us in January. We have had some good snow and not very much school with all the snow days so here is what we have done for fun.

The first storm was only about 4-5 inches and I laughed a little when school was cancelled but we will take it. I think I owe the neighbor guy cookies or something because he was out there playing with the kids for a good 3 hours and I couldn't go out because I was in with Owen who had a cold.
Owen wanted to play so bad so this is what we came up with.
Spencer finally pulling his own weight a little around the house Ü.
Second storm and out helping dad shovel.
Owen refuses to wear his gloves. His poor hands were freezing and I tried but his will was stronger than mine on this one.
My little angel.
This was a good storm. Scott's boss let him leave early because the snow was getting pretty bad. He made it all the way home and then got stuck in our driveway. Poor little Civic.
It was too cold and windy to go out so we had a pretend snowball fight inside.
Thank you mother nature for the beautiful snow. It has been fun but we have all the pictures we need for this winter. We are ready for spring...Happy Groundhog Day!