Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Dodging" for apples

I'm not sure where Spencer even heard about bobbing or "dodging for apples as he says it but he was adamant that we do this for family home evening.

He loved it.

Scott was compliant

Owen never really got the no hands thing but was happy to eat apples.

I Hope They Call Me on A Mission

It's official, my Mom and Dad will be leaving January 30, 2012 to serve a two year mission in San Diego California which coincidentally is the same exact mission Scott served in 8 years ago. Since their call I have been thinking a lot about the sacrifice that this is for them and yet they don't see it that way because it has always been part of their plan. They are such an example to me of service and willingness to turn their life over to the Lord. It won't be easy and there are lots of details to work out but their faith is great and I know they will be blessed...and missed. I guess this is their way of retiring to San Diego.

We have had some awesome sister missionaries in our ward and we have loved getting to know them. They made these cute missionary badges for the boys. It's hard enough to send my parents off for two years and I can't even begin to imagine what that will be like when it's my boys. Until then look how cute he is.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

For the third year in a row Spencer asked to be Super Why. Every other year I have been able to talk him into what idea I had for him but this year I decided to try to make the costume he wanted. I don't sew. It wasn't easy and the first time I tried to sew his cape it took me a half an hour to thread the machine and everything I sewed the fabric frayed right through. Luckily I had a friends who came over and helped make up for my lack of sewing skills. I think it turned out pretty great if I do say so myself.

Luckily I can still talk Owen into wearing the costume we already have in his size.

We carved our pumpkins in the day just before heading to the ward trunk or treat. When we finished carving them we lit the candles inside and went into the laundry room where there are no windows and turned off the lights to admire our work. When we tuned the lights back on Owen has hiding in the laundry basket. Apparently he was uncomfortable with Scott and Spencer's "meam punkin." He did, however, love his "happy" pumpkin.

This year was so warm for trick or treating it was weird, poor Owen was sweating in his puffy warm costume. Look how our pumpkins shrivled up in the heat. This was one of the best Halloweens I can ever remember. The boys loved trick or treating and ran around with a family from our ward while I hung out with the other parents (minus Scott who chose to attend the Chiefs/Chargers game...50 yard line 17th row. Punk)

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Since I did a post about how awesome my kids dad is it's only fair that I do one in honor of their mother as well.

The other day we weren't having a very good morning. We were late trying to get out the door to meet a friend at a children's farm and my boys were being less than cooperative. Just as I get everything gathered to go I realize Owen needs a diaper change...ugh. So, I change his diaper and then realize I can't find his shoes.

I never swear. Really I don't. But I had reached my breaking point and I say, "Owen where are your damn shoes." Totally frustrated I stomp out to the car and put him in his car seat and realize his flip flops are in the car. Phew, I grab the shoes and start shoving his feet in when Owen says, just as innocently as possible, "Mommy, me no want my damn shoes, me want my blue shoes."

I totally lost it laughing. Then of coarse I felt a little guilty especially since my sweet little Owen for the next few days believed his flip flops were called damn shoes. That has since been corrected and I am again in the running for mother of the year. I am awesome.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My dad's cooler than your dad

Scott is such a great dad. I know this and I am thankful for him but sometimes I don't always appreciated it as much as I should. He comes home from work and plays baseball with our boys and before you know it it's like every boy on the neighborhood is in your backyard.

I can only hope our boys are as talented as he is. This is one of their jam sessions. Spencer and Owen came up with the drum on their own and our house was rockin.

Making the famous Miller chocolate chip cookies.

Yeah, he is pretty awesome...just sayin.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bunk Bed Brothers

One great thing about having two boys...bunk beds and our time has arrived.

A little too close for comfort...just ask teddy.

Owen transitioned from his crib like a champ. Never put up a fuss and never missed a nap. This how I found him the first night when I checked in before bed. He has stopped moving around as much but we still but a pillow on the floor just in case.

Operation Kindergarten

Spencer is officially in kindergarten! He was so excited. This picture was his idea.

I went with Spencer to meet his teacher a couple of days before school started and walked all through the school with him. On his first day as we were pulling up to the school Spencer says to me, "Mom, this time can you just drop me off at the curb." Are you kidding me! I am sending my first child off to kindergarten on his first day and he doesn't even want me to walk him in? Other kids are crying and nervous...not my independent little Spencer. I still walked him in.

Here he is with part of his cute little class.

I have been a little worried about Spencer being one of the youngest in his class because his birthday is in June and a friend was telling me that a lot of moms here hold their kids, especially boys, back if they have summer birthdays. I, however, know that Spencer is so ready both intellectually and socially for school so we decided to start him. As you can tell he is a little small. After about the fourth day of school when I picked Spencer up I noticed him sticking out his tongue at an older boy. When he got in the car I was ready to give him a little lecture until I realized he was on the verge or tears. He told me that the boy he was sticking his tongue out at was a fifth grader and he was telling Spencer that he was little and looked like a baby. The boy went on to make fun of how small Spencer's baby feet and shoes were. Poor Spence was so sad. The reality is that Spencer is on the small end and he is going to have to get used to it. I told Spencer that if he sticks out his tongue or cries than that boy will think he is acting like a baby and that he can show that fifth grader what a big boy his is by talking to him about how old he is and that he is not a baby. Ugh, it totally broke my heart and I hope I have him the right advise because this could be something he deals with for awhile.

Although he had that one rough experiences everything else about it is great. He loves school and his teacher tells me that he is a great student. He goes in the afternoon and there are only 10 kids in his class so I love knowing that his isn't getting the attention he loves. He comes home so excited to tell me about all the fun things he got to do that day.

Today he turned in his third homework assignment. He was to take a shoe box and decorate it and then put three things inside that signified things about him. I let him color a bunch of coloring pages and then we used those to wrap the shoe box. Inside we put a baseball, swimming goggles and a picture of him fishing. Well done I thought. Then I took him to school. I only saw two other kids boxes as they walked into the school but I seriously doubt the kids decorated them. There was a rocket ship and a princesses castle. Lets just say I hope Spencer isn't disappointed with the box we made and next time we might need to step it up a little. However, I vow to let him do his own projects and not take over just to have the most impressive project to show off.

And thus we enter a new phase of this thing we call parenthood...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Family Pictures by Val

While in Utah we had some pictures taken of our family. Here are a few of my fav's.

Thursday, August 18, 2011's about time.

That's right it's about time! After not seeing much of our family for over 7 months I was ready for some serious family time and boy did I get it!

I have the best husband in the world to let me go "home" for three weeks. I also have the best dad who flew out to Kansas just to get in the van 12 hours later and drive all the way back, over 17 hours of driving, with me. We missed Scott just because we were having so much fun and wanted him to share it with us but he was home working to make it all possible. He flew out for the last week.

We kicked off our vacation with a birthday party for my Grandma Scott and it was awesome to see my cousins who I haven't seen in a long time. It was so fun to catch up and meet new additions.

p.s. I am furious that I never got a picture holding my newest niece Sienna but you can see her a little in this pic.
Then it was time to get to work with grandpa. This is how we earned our keep.

The Miller boys working for the family business Ü.
My Grandma Johnson just recently moved back to Utah from Arizona and it so great to spend some time with her. This was the first time Owen met her and she was so sweet with them.
These boys love their Grandpa and especially "Grandpa Rocks"
Sometimes it's the the simple things that end up being the most memorable. One day I went with my sister to help with a very simple wedding and just as we headed out it started POURING rain. By the time we got to the storage unit the roads were flooded. The picture below is what happened to Jen in the few seconds she had to reach out the window to open the gate at the storage unit. When we got out of the truck to load the wedding arch we decided to just ditch our shoes and run through the rain and puddles bare foot. It was hilarious and we were totally drenched. I am mad I didn't get a picture of us at the end of it all. The funny thing is that we were running a little late because before we left Jen's house she was finishing her hair and make-up and by the time we got to the wedding it looked like we had showered with our clothes on. As we drove to the wedding the mascara she had just put on started running into her eyes which turned all red and I am handing her baby wipes to wipe it all off so she can see to drive. I realize the only reason this was fun is because we were together and instead of being frustrated and annoyed at the crazy weather and our soaked clothes having each other to laugh with made it a hilarious memory.

We spent some totally quality time with all the Miller fam (minus Scott whom we missed terribly by this point) at Willies house to celebrate the plethora of July birthdays. It was great...too great because it made me sad to think about the fact that we miss out on all these fun get togethers. I am seriously lucky to have married into such a great family.

Owen has a special love for his cousin Rylan.

And it wouldn't be a Miller party with out a little brotherly competition. This time it was how many times around you could get the rope in one jump. This is not fun and games folks, look at the determination on that face.

Cute little Hannah. The fork was just a hassle. This girl know what she wants and goes for it.
Aside from all the family fun I was able to do some bonding with other pals. You know who you are and I am a little mad at all of you for making me realize how awesome you are and making me miss you all again. Girls nights, lunch dates, barbecues... I am having some major withdrawals now but thanks for the talks, laughs and fun.

S'more family time

S'mores anyone? Good thing Ryan doesn't check my blog or I would be so dead.

I love this boy and can't get enough of that smile.

Boys will be boys and this is what boys love.

We did a couple sparkles in the light because we were too tired to wait for it to get dark. Spencer loved it and Owen...not so much.

Hogle Zoo

My sister and I took our clan of boys (minus 1) for a day at the zoo. It was Owen's first time to the zoo and we had a great time.

My favorite part was definitely the bird show.

They had some cool life size dinosaurs that were pretty impressive and 3 of the 4 boys thought they were cool.
Just Hangin' out waiting for the train.

7.24 Utah style

It was so great to be in Utah for the 24th of July. I sure missed it last year and was glad to be in Utah to enjoy the festivities and all the crazy people enjoying their now legal fireworks.
We started things off with the pancake breakfast and bike parade in my parents neighborhood.

Owen LOVED it.

Spencer is starting to get a hang of the scooter thing.

We totally lucked out at the parade. We decided to go the morning of and just see what happened. Well, we got a great spot and it was overcast this year so it was not even hot. It was seriously one of the most enjoyable parades I have ever been to.

Besides seeing the Prophet this is my favorite part.

Then we went to my brothers house to do some fireworks and get in some quality cousin time.

They just built a beautiful home and the yard isn't in yet so it was a perfect spot for fireworks. Uncle Dave teaching my boy the art of the pyro.