We had such a great Independence Day weekend. On the 3rd we went to
Independence Missouri which is about 20 minutes away from where we live and went to the visitor center there. We promptly put Spencer to work.

While we were in the visitor center they blocked off the road to this parking lot for the fireworks show they were putting on a little later. Since we were already there we ended up with the "best seat in the house" our own van. They had the city band there playing patriotic music and they even handed out free p
opsicles. It started out innocently enough.

Until this happened...

The fireworks show was amazing. We were so close that the debris was falling all around us. It made for a slight contact issue for me but an incredible fireworks show. The boys loved it.
On Monday we headed north to visit Adam-
Ahman. We weren't expecting much because we had heard there isn't much there but we loved it. When we arrived we were the only ones there. It had just finished raining lightly and everything was so green and peaceful. We have especially enjoyed learning more about the significance of these church sites that are so close to us.

The pictures don't do it justice.

We are offering to be tour guides to anyone who is interested Ü

After Adam-
Ahman we went to Liberty to visit Liberty Jail. They have rebuilt a replica of the jail with some of the wood and stones from the original jail and have a nice presentation. We struggled a little here because Owen started coming down with a cough (which ended up being croup) so we had a hard time getting the full experience.
It was a very memorable holiday weekend and we are so grateful to be having the opportunity to really learn more about our church history.