Friday, February 12, 2010

Kansas....really Kansas?

It's official. Our family will be moving to Kansas the first week of March. Am I terrified? Yes I definitely am but I am also very excited for our new adventure. Scott got a job with Garmin International and he couldn't be happier. He came back from his interview with them last Friday and was on cloud nine. He can't wait to work for such an awesome company and what better place to get experience in his field (GIS) than working for Garmin. On Monday they called and offered him the job and the whirlwind has begun.

Garmin's headquarters are in Olathe (ole' th-a) Kansas which is a suburb of Kansas City. On the far east side of Kansas it isn't the barren flat corn fields I had originally pictured. It's actually quite green and even has a few hills Ü. They will be breaking ground this spring on a new temple in Kansas City which is going to be so nice and we will only be a short drive from may church history sights including Independence Missouri, Adam-ondi-Ahman and Liberty Jail. I am hoping those are good selling points to convince our friends and family to come visit us.

Now we just need to find a place to live. Box up our house and move half way across the county. Wish us luck.