Saturday, January 9, 2010

Holidays = Family Fun

We spent over a week in Salt Lake enjoying the holidays with our families. We don't really know what our future holds and if we will end up living near family or not and it has me thinking how thankful I am for this past holiday season and the time we spent together. Spencer loved playing with all his cousins and Owen loved watching all the craziness. My camera died so I don't have any pictures of the fun that occurred between Christmas and new years, but so I don't forget here are some of the highlights.

-Party with the Manning's and Becky's yummy enchiladas

-Raelynn teaching me how to pose and look good in pictures

-Shopping without kids and actually coming home with some great stuff

-Lunch with Arica. 2 mom's + 4 kids = craziness. Next time we are leaving the kids home

-Sledding with the Miller cousins (Mae, I need those pictures!)

-Scott forcing his brothers to help him roll a snow ball until it was taller than him. (How's your wrist Brian?)

-Playing Mario on the Wii

-All adult New Years party where we discovered that are actually still fun.

Holiday's 2009 = Success

A Wonderful 'Eve'ning

We had a perfect evening with the Scott family on Christmas Eve. It started with the delivery of an awesome sub for Santa basket that we had all helped put together. My parent's are awesome and that's all there is to it. Next was the preparation and then consumption of a delicious brisket dinner and then the party really got started. Grandma and Grandpa read the Nativity story to the kids and then we did our own.
Spencer started as a shepherd and then finished as a wise man.
Scott was also a shepherd/wise man, I was Mary and Landon was determined to be Joesph and he was so sweet to hold my hand and gently lead me to the manger. Cason was a shepherd/wise man and Grandpa was the star.

Then we opened P.J.'s and presents. I was one of the most laid back and enjoyable Christmas Eve's I can remember. The boys were in heaven. Owen was totally in awe of Parson's ball popper. Good thing Santa brought him one the next morning.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.

"Dear Santa, I love you so you give me a toy."

The title of this post is a direct quote from Spencer's letter to Santa. The Santa part of Christmas this year was so much fun. Spencer loved telling everyone that he asked Santa for "a sled and a toy." He was so excited about every step from the letter to the cookies to tracking Santa on the internet wit his cousins before heading off to bed.
Owen wasn't really a fan.