Saturday, October 17, 2009

American West Heritage Center = FUN

Last week for play group we went to the American West Heritage Center and it was so much fun. The kids were all so cute and Spencer had a great time with some old fashioned down on the farm fun.
There was a huge stack of straw that the kids loved jumping in. Of coarse Spencer was again pretending to play Wipe Out.
The first pony ride was a hit...he was so brave right up to the moment the horse went under the bar and Spencer hit his head on the bar. They knew what they were doing when they put that helmet on him.
I am glad to report that Spencer has picked up some "skills" during our time in Cache County.
Owen is such a champ
Spencer's turn.
Doesn't get much better than a pirate ship made of straw with dress ups.
These goats were awesome but Spencer wasn't that impressed.
Last but not least the train ride. We are so grateful for this fun little group of friends and the fun experiences we are having with them. Dillon, you are adorable.