Saturday, February 21, 2009

Owen Jack

I finally found a couple minutes in which to catch up the blog a little. We are all doing great and so happy to have little Owen here. He is such a sweet little big guy. I have forgotten how much work newborns are but we are managing to figure out how to keep things going on very little sleep. Owen is doing great though and we are so happy that he is healthy. I am still in shock that I had a 9 lb 7 oz baby! No wonder I was so miserable those last few weeks. Even more amazing is that it took me 21 hours of labor to get my little 7 lb 3 oz Spencer here and only 5 hours to get Owen here. Everything went perfectly. Scott was the perfect husband through the whole birth and I couldn't be more grateful for my little family.

Making his outdoor debut. We brought Owen home on Valentines Day in this cute little outfit from Grandma Scott.

Don't you just want to squish those cute chubby cheeks?

Owen loves the boppy so thanks to everyone who recommended I get one and thanks Grandma Miller for getting it for us.

Spencer is a great big brother and so far has shown no signs of jealousy. He likes when Owen looks at him and is such a great helper. I hope he never loses his enthusiasm for getting me wipes, diapers, butt paste, burp clothes or blankets.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Welcome to the world


Hi everyone this is scott I'm just going to post some pictures now and melissa can talk later because she is a better blogger then me...anyway labor went great he was 9 lbs 7 oz. 21.5 inches long (he is our "little" tank) born feb. 12, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The wait will soon be over...

The last three weeks have probably been the longest of my life. Just goes to show I have had a pretty good life but waiting for a baby to come "any day now" gets a little old. I won't go into all the details but it seems as if this baby just doesn't ever want to come out. When I had Spencer I was induced because my water broke but it took 21 hours of labor to get him here. I was dead set against being induced this time around because I wanted it to go faster the natural way. Funny how your strong opinions can change when you are moody and sick of being pregnant. The doctor will be inducing me tomorrow and convinced me that it will go much faster this time because my body is so ready and it's the second child. Hopefully my next post is full of great news and great pictures!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm so Proud

It is so hard to get video of Spence because he always wants to be behind the camera. This was a rare moment.

Killing Time

The clock is ticking and as the due date of Baby Miller comes closer here are some of the things we have come up with to keep ourselves entertained...

Walking the mall. I am not lying when I say I have done it 5 times in the last two days.
Scrubbing each kitchen floor tile on my hands and knees...I believe they refer to this as nesting.
Eating spicy food. Cafe Sabor..mmmm
Drove Logan Canyon hoping that elevation change would do the trick. Nope, but it was pretty.
Enjoying time with the two guys in my life right now while waiting on number three.

I have been dilated to a three for over a week now and am officially out of ideas on how to get things movin'. I am keeping myself up at night delusionally thinking every pain means I am in labor. I have told myself I just need to relax and the baby will come when its ready but that is easier said than done. I finally asked Scott today to please stop saying in his prayers, "bless the baby that he will continue to grow." I guess I am just ready to have our little guy here. If anyone wants to share ideas on how to make that happen a little faster you are welcome to share but keep it clean Ü.

Scott is doing awesome in school and I am so proud of him. I know he is a little worried about how busy he is and having a newborn but I know he will take good care of us. He always does. My only job is to not have the baby on Monday or Tuesday because he has huge tests.

Spencer seems excited about the baby and we talk about it all the time. He keeps mentioning that its time for Mommy and Daddy to go to the doctor so he can play with Grandma. I think he is looking forward to getting rid of me for a couple days. He is such a good boy. Here are some highlights from the last few weeks.

Spencer has helped with getting all the baby stuff ready. He likes this bouncy seat more now then he ever did as a baby. He might have a hard time sharing.

We have done a little baking. Spencer is under weight and I have given up so bring on the baked goods!

Quality father son time. This is a wife's dream come true.

Our friends came up to visit and it was so nice to have then here. Abbie is now the love of his life and he absolutely loved playing with her. Thanks for coming up!