Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pics of Spence

Spencer sampling moms frosting!
Peek-a-boo I see you
I love this picture he seems so happy
He likes to wear his mothers swimming goggles.

Our Strong Gingerbread House

We stacked 19 books on our gingerbread house to see how strong it was. The books weighed 55 pounds. Melissa and I were shocked.
But after "The Di Vinci Code" it finally gave in.

So we had a lot of fun doing this. How strong are your gingerbread houses?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Scotts Life this week

Well it is Monday night 10:15PM. I had probably the hardest day of my life(OK I'm being dramatic but it was hard) I left my apartment at 7:45am and didn't get home until 9:15pm. I delivered over 425 pieces and had around 290 stops. It was definitely a record breaker for me. I wish that I had taken a picture of my truck it was packed. I didn't even get done my supervisor told me that I had to come back to the hub because we can't work longer then 12 tomarrow will be fun I'm sure. It is hard to come home and Spencer is asleep and I didn't get to see him awake today...OK I'll stop complaining. Anyway have a good Christmas. Please ship fedex.Thanks!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Some good looking posters!

I got these pictures from one of my mission buddies and thought that they were pretty funny. The game on Saturday was pretty intense but it was good to see the cougars pull out a victory.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Melissa and Spence

I absolutely love this picture of Melissa & Spencer. This was taken spring 2007 up Big Cottonwood Canyon.

Fly Fishing....

One of the few times I got out fishing this year. This picture is taken at Current Creek.

Update on the Millers

Well, we are going to try to do the blog thing. We're not sure how it is going to go but we thought we would give it a go. Here is what is going on with our lives for those of you who we haven't talked to for a long time.

Melissa has been busy managing the apartments that we live in. (Alta Pines, sorry we are full if you are looking!) She also takes care of our child Spencer. She has also had a good time showing off her skills at card making.

I work for UPS I've been there for about 3 1/2 years I currently have a route in Tooele / Erda / Lakepoint / Stansberry Park. I don't have a permanent route yet but I tend to stay in Tooele county which is fine by me. I really enjoy the country. I still try to play guitar when I have the time. Still working on that CD...

Spencer is our only child so far. He is 17 months and is so much fun. He loves to give open mouth kisses, Rocks, and saying mommy. It is pretty funny. Most of the pictures will probably be of him on this website.

Anyway that is all that is going on with the Millers that I can think of right now.

Escalante Trip

This summer we went on a vacation to Escalante with our friends Nicole and Christian Hind. I have to say it was one of my favorite trips that me and Melissa have been on.

Halloween Pictures

Spencer really enjoyed Halloween. Melissa took Spencer to her parents to go trick or treating. He had a hard time not going into every home that he went to. Overall Halloween was really fun.