Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School Starts

So as soon as we got here to AZ our camera decided to give up the ghost. So now we are just stuck with awful cell phone cameras :(

Sweet Brayden started his last year of pre-K. He loves it, yea!

Matthew started 1st grade, he really loves his teacher and riding the bus.

He sits by 2 girls which he isn't really excited about but at least I know he is listening in class :)

And this little guy stays at home with me all day and keeps me on my toes!

Love these boys!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Easter 2011

We started off our celebration with an Easter Egg hunt at the park with a few friends from the ward.

The little kids got to go first. It was hard to get Preston to keep looking, he was ready to eat candy!

I think Matthew was a little annoyed that I made him stop for a picture.

Preston was trying to get me to open a piece of candy, I guess I wasn't going fast enough!

The Loot!

We went to Arizona for Easter and Matthew was really concerned that the Easter bunny wouldn't know where we were. So my mom helped him make this sign. In case you can't read it it says, "Dear Easter Egg Bunny, Please deliver Scoresby's eggs to this house"

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So I have many reasons why I am a bad blogger now 1. I fall asleep on the couch every night at 9pm due to pure exhaustion. 2. I discovered facebook and waste too much time on there. 3. I think I need a new camera, not only is this one like 8 years old but we took it to Aruba (I know I know boo-hoo we had to take it to Aruba) and it got some condensation in it and it has never really worked very well since. So now that I have explained myself and given too many excuses, here are some pictures: So all of our birthdays are within a 5 month time period. Preston's is first in December. He turned 1! But I am still claiming him as my baby, no calling him a toddler yet! We had some friends over for dinner, cake and ice cream. Preston looks a bit scared that we are all staring at him. Again with the staring! Pure joy! He loves sugar :) Actually Nate is in February but I had the stomach flu that weekend, so there are no pictures from that, sorry babe! Next is Brayden in March, he is 4! He got some new PJs which he loves. We also went to Legoland for his birthday. It was way crowded the weekend that we were there but on every ride my kids squealed with delight. Brayden said on every ride that that one was the funnest! Matthew is up next the beginning of April. He got a new bike, which he really needed as he is growing like a weed! This bike is a bit too big but I am sure that he will get the hang of it soon. This picture makes me smile every time I look at it. We took Matthew out for dinner and he chose Chevy's Mexican restaurant. As we were sitting down he immediately told the server that it was his birthday and that he was 6 years old and that he got a new bike. So after we had finished eating they sang to him and even let him keep the sombrero. Which he now wears and tells me that he can go outside even the the sun is hot because his new sombrero will keep the sun off him! My birthday is the end of April and we are going to be house hunting in Arizona, yea! Just how every girl wants to spend her 30th birthday, right? Maybe if we don't celebrate then it won't come :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Santa Train

I am the worst blogger ever! Oh well, here is part of our December fun..

Trains + Santa + 3 little boys = day in Heaven

This always seems like a good idea until we get the kids in and try to get them to sit still.

On the train! Matthew got bored after a few minutes but Brayden loved every minute, he is our train lover. Seriously he can turn any conversation to a train conversation.

After our train ride we walked over to the train museum, which was just a bunch of old men with their train sets. This nice man let all of the little kids take turns driving his train.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Preston is 9 months!

I can't believe our baby is 9 months old! Time goes by way to quickly! Preston has been crawling for about 2 months already and in just the last 2 weeks he has really gotten mobile and I don't like it one bit!

It started with discovering the kitchen cupboards.

Which of course led to the dishwasher.

Next was the stairs! He gets so upset when he is left out or behind. So one day I heard Brayden yelling mom Preston's on the stairs. Which he usually just gets up one or two (like in the first picture) and cries until someone gets him. But this day he crawled up the whole first flight, crying the whole way up. Once he got to the landing he got the biggest smile on his face and I knew I was in trouble! He has now made it up the second set!

And I found him like this last week! Little stinker thought he was so cool up there, he was even jumping up and down!

Preston also attended his first BYU Football game. He was fascinated by the scoreboard and instant replay screen. He charmed everyone around him with this grin. How can anyone resist it?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4th of July

I know I am behind and this post is a bit overdue but oh well!

We went to Idaho for the fabulous 4th of July. Idaho Falls is the best place to be for the 4th :)

We started off our time hanging out at a cabin just outside Ashton, ID. It was beautiful. We went to a few waterfalls, Mesa Falls and Cave Falls.

This is Matthew's new smile. Cheesy I know but I can't get him to stop.

I guess just a few weeks before we came the cave at Cave Falls collapsed. Matthew took this picture. He was very concerned about it and kept asking me to read what it said and explain why someone put it there and what would happen if we didn't follow the instructions on it. He is becoming a very by the book little kid. So I told him that if you went past the sign the park rangers would charge you $100 because it wasn't safe and they didn't want anyone to get hurt. Not too long after our little conversation Grandpa Scoresby took him over there to look at the falls and they walked past the sign. Matthew was so upset. We got a lecture all the way back to the cabin about how Grandpa had made Matthew not follow the rules and now he was going to have to pay $100 and he wouldn't be able to buy his new trains(that is what he is saving his money for). It was quite humorous!

Matthew also took this picture. It is hard for me to get the camera away from him sometimes.

The water was freezing but the kids really didn't seem to mind! And they all got soaking wet.

Some of the adults had some issues with trying not to get their clothes wet :)

Some of the big boys wadded across the river and then threw branches off the top of the waterfall. Something about Idaho that brings out the kid in you!

This is the morning of the 4th. We were waiting for the parade to start. It was freezing. Seriously it was like 50 degrees. Everyone was in jackets and pants. Nuts! I have never had such a cold 4th!

Aunt Carrie is such a good sport getting her hair done before the fireworks!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


That is the noise I made after coming down stairs after my shower. Really 4 pieces of toast caked in butter? When I asked why 4 pieces, he said because that is how many I need. Actually I think it is because that is how many slots there are in the toaster.

And of course our tag-a-long couldn't be left out!

Oh well, I am sure that it could have been worse!