Karosseriet tilhører forresten en fjernstyrt bil. Det går litt mye i fjernstyrt hjemme om dagen, enmlig. For forklaring, sjekk et par av innleggene under :-)
Excuse my French here, but some times it really IS WTF! in my house (if you aren't familar with the expression, please google it - he, he). What I have doodled down on the layout should explain the title: " Listen up, kiddos. If you seriously can't find any other place to put this filty car body than on top of the stack with clean, folded clothes, you might concider cleaning up this plac. Grhmp! "
The body belongs to an RC car. RC is the hottest topic in our house these day, have a look at some previous posts to find out why!
Hvis du lurer på hvor jeg har fått ideen til det fantastiske designet på denne layouten, må jeg bare innrømme at skisse nr 109 hos Skissedilla er utgangspunktet. Gjør meg en tjeneste og stikk over og gi dem litt kred!
If you wonder how I got the idea to the fabolous design on this layout, I must admit sketch #109 at Skissedilla, got my brain spinning. Please head over and give them some love!