Sunday, May 22, 2011

Of Chicken and Feet

Many of you may recall that last summer, we took part in a CSA program for organic produce. It turned out really well, and we would have done it again this year if travel plans hadn't interfered.

However, leave it to my resourceful wife to find a great alternative. Doing some of her patented research (maybe not patented, but it should be!), she discovered a local chicken CSA. After talking about it and checking it out, we decided to go for it. After all, who wouldn't like to get two fresh chickens each month to eat?

On Friday, we drove up to find the farm, which is located in a scenic part of our mountain valley. The two young men who were at the farm picked out our chickens and bagged them up for us. However, this is where it gets fun for this particular CSA. Carrie had also said that we wanted the feet and the liver and heart. So they gave us the heart and liver for our two chickens, but then gave us a full bag of chicken feet, as you can see here!

Yes, that is a lot of chicken feet. So what were we planning to do with them, you are probably wondering? Well, let's just say that we weren't really going to eat them. However, some of the people that Carrie works with are Chinese. Chinese people, especially the ladies, believe that chicken feet help give a lady beautiful skin when they eat the feet, so Carrie had told one of the students that she could have them, and we delivered them to her later that night.

However, we were really looking forward to our first chicken. So today, I looked up a few ideas for how to prepare it, seasoned it, and then stuck it in the oven. About an hour and a half later, here's what it looked like. Yummy, eh?  It was the juiciest chicken we have ever eaten!  We both commented that it was almost too juicy for us.

We still have one more chicken from this pick up, and I'm already putting together a few ideas for what to do with it. But needless to say, we're really thinking that this chicken CSA has been a really good idea so far!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Race Day

What a day! This morning, I awoke a little after 6:00, which is early for a Saturday. But that's because I had a race today. One of the local small towns features a "Health Days", and part of this celebration is to feature three races. They have what is called a Mayor's Mile which, as you might guess, is a mile-long run. They also have a 5K and a 10K. So, as you may guess, I decided to run the 10K.

For those who may not know, a 10K is approximately 6.1 miles. That's half of a half marathon. Given the amount of running that I have done lately, ti's really not all that great of a distance. However, this run is called Conquer the Canyon. And it does indeed live up to its name.

The run is a loop, which means you venture out a little over three miles, and then return basically the same way. The only thing is, for this race, the first three miles up the canyon gain a little over 1,000 feet in elevation. It's a lot of work to run uphill for three miles. I resolved that I would not walk any of it, and I was able to be true to that commitment.

On the return, it's downhill. That is, except for one small part. The return route takes an alternate road that runs along the top of the canyon, running basically the same route as the road leading up. But yes, that means that we had to run up a very steep road for about 75 yards with about 2 miles to go. I was really huffing and puffing at the top of that little stretch, but was able to keep running the whole race.

I finished with a time of 49:06, good enough for 6th in my age group (30-39). I didn't see the full listings yet, but I think I finished in the top 40 overall. Once I see the official race results, I'll let you know the specifics.

What a run! Now I'm getting ready for another 10K, coming up early in July!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring is Finally Here!

I think spring is finally here!  Yay!  I took this picture 10 days ago, and then 2 days later, we had snow!  You can see how brown and drab everything was.

This picture I took 2 days ago.  Things are still brown, but the green is coming!

I noticed this huge pine tree is budding.  I have never noticed the red buds before.  Do pine trees bud?  No clue, but the red color was great against the green of the branches.

This flowering tree is in full bloom on campus.

Check out the massive blossoms!  It's beautiful.

And this was another flowering tree I saw.  Different mountains, but still beautiful flowers.  I'd love one of these in our yard. 

Anyone know the specifics on the variety of trees?  Let me know as I'd love to know.  May is one of my favorite times of the year here.  The mountains still have snow on them, but the temperatures are warming and all of the flowers are coming up.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Visa Apps

Our visa applications were received in Washington DC today, so now we wait to see:  1) if everyone in our group gets one and 2) how long it takes to get our passports back.  Exciting and slightly nerve-wracking. More details on the travel blog:-)