These are my all time favorite~ stargazer lilies. I may have even named one of my daughters after this flower. Bremen wasn't sold on her name till we entered the hospital room where she would be born and every wall had huge pictures of lilies. It was a sign. For me anyway ;) I love them because you don't need to pair them with anything to make a stunning bouquet. (although in this picture I did add some blossoming branches to add height) They're very fragrant, and if you change the water, trim the ends, and take off the older blooms every few days they last 2 weeks.

These are one of my new favorites~ Ranunculus. They aren't fragrant. But they're cheap (only $4 at Trader Joe's) and they lasted a good week. I love the color variation in the petals.

I also planted a rose garden. Always a classic.

And we planted these baskets with various flowers that I'm not as familiar with on the balcony. The carnations in them are really fragrant and smell awesome when the breeze comes in! Our balcony door is open often during the day since we don't have a/c. (old house)
Well, now you all know about one of my passions, or oddities, however you see it ;)
Don't you love Spring??
Don't you love Spring??