Our little girl turned 20 months old at the beginning of November. She enjoys saying "cheese!" and posing for the camera (can you tell in the pics above??). Over the past month, Adley started putting more words together and saying phrases such as "Bye, bye Daddy" and "hold you" when she wants to be picked up. Everyone who spends time with her says that she is a bright little girl. She is very aware of the conversations going on around her, and she always wants to be a part of what others are doing. She often gives us running commentaries for all that is happening nearby. It's a joy to have this sweet girl as part of our lives, and we love her dearly! We're excited to see what God will continue to do with her little life as she grows!
- Learned how to open all doors-- it's now even harder to keep her out of trouble!
- Tries to shush Mommy or Daddy by putting her finger on our lips and saying "ssss" when we start to sing to her
- Learned how to unbuckle herself from the high chair and will often stand up halfway through the meal saying, "all duhhh"
- Can put her own two legs into a pair of pants (not always in the correct spot, though!) and pull the pants halfway up
- Knows how to pull off her own diaper
- Getting much better at drinking out of an open top cup
- Will chatter ALL the time about what's going on around her
- Says new words every day-- knows too many to count!
- Started to say her own name
- Still loves sitting for books and has an even longer attention span when the book is interactive (flap book, texture book, etc.)
- Can say the names of about half of her cousins when we point to their pics on the fridge; first one was Nathan... or Na-niss (see video below)
- Likes grabbing a wipe to "help" Mommy wipe her up during diaper changes
- Enjoys sitting on the froggy potty chair
- Started to LOVE playing air hockey and will beg, "ah-key, ah-key" until someone plays with her; but then will only play for a couple minutes at a time
- Likes pulling clothes out of her brothers' dresser drawers
- Loves getting "Adley rolls," being thrown onto the bed, getting piggy-back rides, and being outside
- LOVES chocolate, especially M&Ms